Career Directors International

LinkedIn changes so fast that the CDI Education committee felt it was time to bring you the new and the next by updating our Profile Writing tip sheet with an all-new done-for-you, white-labeled job seeker tip sheet that is free to you and can be customized, given away, bundled, or sold.

This LinkedIn profile writing tip sheet is a DEEP DIVE, sharing everything both you and your clients/prospects need to know to creative effective, winning profiles.

In fact, there’s so much involved in this 9-page tip sheet that we believe that sharing this (for a fee) with a client who doesn’t select a comprehensive package with LinkedIn profile development may have them coming back to invest once they realize all that’s involved in standing out on this all-important job seeker networking platform.

In this LinkedIn Profile Best Practices Tip Sheet we cover:

  • Definition of a profile.
  • What to do before you write, such as URL customization.
  • Resume vs LinkedIn profile — similarities and differences.
  • Important things to think about as you write such as voice for transitions, SEO and character count usage.
  • How to attain LinkedIn All-Star status.
  • Section overview with topics such as section reordering, features, and attachments.
  • Details on selecting the best photo.
  • Formula for writing the professional headline.
  • Strategy for writing the summary section.
  • Handling confidential information and confidential job search.
  • Multiple ways to share contact information.
  • Skills and endorsements section.
  • Seven elements of employment positions/section.
  • Four strategies for after the profile is complete.
  • Pros and cons of Open to Work banner usage.

+ Scroll down for newest elements you need to know + how to stay up-to-date with LinkedIn’s constant changes. 

Special Thanks to Our Contributors

Special thanks to Bridget Batson of Houston Outplacement Resume Writing and Career Counseling for updating this newest version of the top sheet. 

Special thanks to Anne Galloway of power-to-change on her efforts in compiling new relevant trends as shown in the bottom section of this page. 

Member and committee contributors who helped craft the initial versions, and whose information may still be reflected in today’s version, include: 

  • Robert Dagnall – Resume Guru
  • Rachel Raymond – RVP Writing and Design, LLC
  • Kristin S. Johnson – Words for Your Work / Kristin Johnson Consulting, LLC
  • Brenda Bernstein – The Essay Expert
  • Erin Cambier – Superior Resume & Career Services
  • Gayle Howard – Top Margin Executive Resumes & Coaching
  • Gillian Kelly – Outplacement Australia / The Career Agency
  • Erin Kennedy – Professional Resume Services
  • Jacqui Barrett Poindexter – Career Trend
  • Bridget Weide Brooks – Be a Resume Writer

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