Career Directors International

Love it? Share It!

We’re excited to share with resume writers and career coaches our ever-expanding library of done-for-you, white labeled tip sheets for job seekers.

When you are a busy career practitioner there aren’t enough hours in the day to furnish your services and create a suite of resources for your client and prospect job seekers.

But we want to go beyond that, helping you make money while you sleep (or at least reducing your time spent per client while upping your revenue per client)!

That’s why here at CDI we are in the process of converting all the great Best Practices Tip Sheets we offer to our members into documents to use with those clients and prospects.

Benefits & How It Works

  • White labeled and provided in MS Word so you can change content, add a logo, and offer contact information.
  • Done for you so you can immediately put it into use.
  • Perfect for giveaways, building your list, or increasing your sales. When added to packages or sold as a stand alone it ups both value and cost. Some members even use one as gated content on their website so they can build their marketing list.

Available Tip Sheets for Job Seekers

NEW Step-by-Step to Creating a Winning LinkedIn Profile >>

(Creating and) Using One-Page Networking Resumes + Resume Samples >>

Tips for Older Job Seekers >>

Salary Negotiation for Job Seekers >>

Creating Employment Reference Pages >>

How to Successfully Navigate the Hidden Job Market >>

How to Successfully Leverage Job Boards in Resume Writing and Job Search Strategy >>

Job Search Networking Strategy Package >>

Client Template for Resume Targeted Tailoring >>

More white-labeled tip sheets for job seekers coming soon!

We will be adding resources to this list of done-for-you, white-labeled tip sheets for job seekers. We will send an email to members when they are released. You can also always find available resources in the Done-for-You section of your Member Dashboard.

Additional Resources

If you are just starting out with packaging and bonuses, here are some helpful member resources:

Freebie Add-Ons to Increase Sales and Package Value (Best Practice Tip) >>

Documents & Services Job Seekers Need You to Sell Them (Tip Sheet) >>

Master’s Video Course for Resume Writers & Career Coaches Who Want to Close 4-Figure Sales >>

Done-For-You Consultation Script & Sales Strategy for Resume Writing & Career Services >>

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