Up Your Resume Writing & Design – Advice From TORI Entries

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This is a whopper of a video training with 2 hours and 40 minutes committed to deep diving into 16 TORI entries — 12 that won and 4 that didn’t – with a goal to help professional resume writers see what works, see what could improve, and learn just how to accomplish those changes.

Attendees ranked the session 10/10 in the survey, 100% said they learned how to make their resumes better, and one wrote, it was ‘so good they would have paid extra for it’.

Let’s face it, your resumes may already be landing interviews for your clients, but you want to make sure theirs is consistently the best one in the applicant file.

Better yet, that same skill upgrade often means your work is a natural for a TORI resume writing award nomination.

I’ve learned through my 1-1 and group TORI Master Mentor Program is that if you’re not getting nominated or winning, you often can’t identify what you could be doing differently.

It’s important to know that this is RARELY a fancy graphic design issue, especially with the classic design categories.

It’s almost always more subtle issues with writing, information gathering/inclusion, and standard design that my clients are always shocked no one taught them or they never picked up on when comparing their work to that of winners.

Until now this kind of feedback has been impossible to duplicate for a member-included webinar because someone would need to be willing to share their TORI entries!

We’ve now secured a few 2023 submissions, that weren’t nominated, which Laura will be sharing anonymously during this session to:

  • Compare with winning resumes.
  • Point out missed opportunities (even with the winners).
  • Provide strategy around client information gathering, writing, and design.
  • This powerful combo leads to ah-ha moments and skills that don’t just lead to TORI nominations and wins but delight employers and are shown to make them hungry to ‘read every word’ in a resume.

While a TORI nomination/win is the lowest cost/highest ROI way to grow a resume writing business, it’s important to remember…

Your clients are going to be out there competing against job seekers who worked with TORI nominees/winners so your work needs to stand up to that level as well.

When it does, you’ll have raving fans, better testimonials, TORI wins, and positioning to raise your rates.

Let’s dig in!

The resume categories we’ll review for winners and non-winners are all high-design: