Up Your Chances of Getting a Response to Your Application

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Are you frustrated with applying for jobs on LinkedIn or Indeed and not receiving any response? You’re not alone. There could be a few reasons why you’re not seeing results, but don’t worry, I’m here to show you what you should do instead.

The High Competition on LinkedIn and Indeed

When you apply for a job on LinkedIn or Indeed, you’re up against hundreds, maybe even thousands of other applicants who are vying for the same position. The competition is fierce. Did you ever notice how many job positions on LinkedIn have the word “promoted” next to them? This is to attract more applicants, which ultimately increases your competition.

Another reason you may not be getting a response is that the job you applied for is no longer available, but the posting is still visible. Job postings on LinkedIn Jobs remain active until the employer closes them or for up to six months if the employer forgets to take them down.

Furthermore, did you know that if you apply for a job on LinkedIn and the employer deletes the job posting, then changes their mind and reposts it, your original application will not be associated with the reposted job? It’s as if you never applied in the first place.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Response

Step 1: Find the Job Posting

The first step is to find a job posting on LinkedIn Jobs or Indeed.com that you’re interested in. Take your time to search and explore different options until you find a position that aligns with your skills and interests.

Step 2: Visit the Company’s Website

Once you find a job posting that catches your attention, look for the website of the company that is advertising the job. This information is usually included in the job listing. Visit the company’s website to gather more information about the organization and the available position.

Step 3: Locate the Careers Page

Next, navigate to the careers page or find the link to the careers section on the company’s website. Many larger companies have dedicated pages on their websites where they list all their job openings.

Step 4: Check for the Job Posting

On the company’s career page, search for the job posting that you originally found on LinkedIn or Indeed. If you find it, submit your application directly on the company’s website. By doing this, your application goes straight into the company’s own database, bypassing LinkedIn or Indeed.

However, if you can’t find the job posting on the company’s career page, it could mean that the company is no longer hiring for that particular position, or the job advertisement on LinkedIn or Indeed is outdated and has expired.

What if the Company Doesn’t Have a Career Page?

It’s possible that smaller companies may not have a dedicated career page on their website. In that case, don’t be discouraged. You still have options.

Consider calling the company directly. Use the phone and inquire about the availability of the job you’re interested in. I once came across a job posting on Indeed, and after visiting the company’s website, I discovered they didn’t have a career page. So, I took a chance and called the company, and to my surprise, the owner answered the phone. That’s how small the company was! The owner wasn’t even aware of the posting on Indeed. I’m glad I made the call because otherwise, I would have wasted my time submitting my application through Indeed and hoping for a callback.

Don’t Rely Solely on LinkedIn or Indeed

In some cases, it’s worth applying for the same position through both LinkedIn Jobs and the company’s website. This way, you increase your chances of getting noticed. I had a personal experience where I applied for a job using LinkedIn Jobs and also submitted an application through the company’s website. Later, when I followed up with the company, they informed me that they never received my application through LinkedIn. Fortunately, they did see my direct application through their career page, which eventually led to a callback.

Final Thoughts

By following these steps, you can significantly increase your chances of getting a response to your job applications on LinkedIn or Indeed. Remember, it’s crucial to have an effective cover letter and resume that are tailored to the specific job you’re applying for.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back right away. Keep refining your application materials and applying to opportunities that align with your skills and interests. Persistence pays off, and with the right approach, you’ll increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the section below.

Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2024 

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. Those things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes.

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Also, subscribe to ⁠JobSearchTV.com⁠ on YouTube and No BS Job Search Advice Radio, the #1 podcast for job search with more than 2900 episodes over 12+ years.in Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music and almost anywhere you listen or watch podcasts.

You can also have your #jobsearchquestions answered Tuesdays at noon Eastern. Search for Career Coach Office Hours on LinkedIn and mark that you’re attending. You’ll have access to the recording if you miss it live. 


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