Legal experts chime in on the FTC’s noncompete ban — Evil HR Lady

Legal experts chime in on the FTC’s noncompete ban — Evil HR Lady

If you want to know what HR has been doing this week, it’s been talking with people about the end of noncompete agreements under the new proposed FTC ban.

On the one hand, CEOs (who generally have noncompetes themselves) panic that their employees will be free to cross the street and work for their competitors, and on the other hand, employees rejoicing because they will be able to cross the street and work for the company’s competitors.

Both sides need to take a deep breath. This is not a done deal.

In fact, employment attorney David Miklas said, “As an FYI, I am changing nothing from last week to today. I am still drafting noncompetes for my Florida businesses.”

to keep reading, hop over to Workable by clicking here: Legal experts chime in on the FTC’s noncompete ban

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