It’s Time to Make ‘Hush Trips’ a Fireable Offense

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

our employees are taking Hush Trips.

What are those? Well, to be fair, I just learned the term Hush Trips today, but I of course knew the practice: it’s working “remotely” from someplace other than your home and not telling your boss. Hence the “hush” part of the travel.

It sounds all sorts of fun and cool, and why not? As long as you put in your hours, why should the boss care where you are?

Well, as the boss, you should care where your employees are. And you should have a policy against “hush trips.” Here’s why.

To keep reading, click here: It’s Time to Make ‘Hush Trips’ a Fireable Offense

The post It’s Time to Make ‘Hush Trips’ a Fireable Offense appeared first on Evil HR Lady.

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