Changing Careers? Learn From Other Peoples’ Experiences

Changing Careers? Learn From Other Peoples’ Experiences

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

I know what I went through when I changed careers and became a coach.  It was scary because I didn’t know all that I needed to,  to make the change.

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Hi!  I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter.  I coach people and organizations to play BIG! .  I haven’t done a lot of videos about changing careers because I generally have a tremendous expertise in job changing. I thought today, I would point you to 2 resources, both of which are podcasts which I think it help you.

The 1st 1 is, “Repurpose Your Career” from Marc Miller. the 2nd 1 is Joseph P Liu’s  “Career Relaunch.”  Both of them are designed to speak to individuals who are career changers.  They will interview people.  They will have individuals on who have gone through a change of careers.  They will share their experiences, their thoughts, their challenges, the actions that they took, how they went about doing it, all on a 30-minute interview show. It is delightful stuff.

I’ll tell you this.  They’re not good be able to answer every 1 of your questions because they don’t know what your questions are.  They are going to have you listen to people who have gone through the same experience as you.  In this way, you don’t feel like you are doing it by yourself and can learn from others.

I know for myself when I went from recruiting to coaching, I spoke with other coaches to find out what some of the challenges were, I was proactive in addressing them.  I dealt with my insecurities of my fears thought, in this way, I could do is much as I could proactively to ensure that I didn’t have a problem will submit the change.

  These podcasts can do a lot of that for you. It doesn’t replace talking to people, but this might be the interim step that helps you start to talk to people.  So that you can do this kind of informational conversations I did so that you feel more comfortable making the change.

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS job search coaching and career advice globally because he makes job search and succeeding in your career easier. 

The Billion-Dollar Staffing Mistake

You will find great info and job search coaching to help with your job search at ⁠⁠JobSearch.Community⁠⁠ 

Connect on LinkedIn: ⁠⁠⁠heBigGameHunter⁠ 

Schedule a discovery call to speak with me about one-on-one or group coaching during your job search at ⁠

The Billion Dollar Mistake in Hiring Part II

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes over 13+ years.

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