Can You Survive Juggling University with Freelance Work – MiddleMe

Whether you are a part-time employee or freelancer, there are several benefits to returning to university and juggling it with work. Not only can you hone your skills, but it will also provide you with income and work experience. Some people even do both, juggling their school work with work and personal life.

However, juggling work, academics, and social life is difficult, given the amount of time, focus, and activities you must do in one day. If you are not careful, it can be detrimental to one aspect of your life. But if you are set on doing both freelance work and university work, there are ways to successfully survive both.

Planning is Key

Creating a schedule that allows you to do two different things is stressful, and you need to plan every detail to get things right. Use a planner to help you schedule your time, prepare for your school or work events, and maximize the activities you can fit in a day.

Choose A Program And School That Match Your Workload Preference

You should also do your research regarding which schools and programs will be flexible regarding your workload and schedule. Find a school that offers top-notch education in your field and is easy to commute to and from work.

Always Keep Some Me Time

There will come a day when you get stressed about balancing work and study. If you force yourself when your body tells you to stop, you may just endanger yourself in the process. Always have a small period in your schedule where you can catch a break or do something different with your friends. This will help you relax and safely release those negative energies. Just make sure not to overdo it because you may miss out on other opportunities to make your university life unforgettable.

Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

Follow a healthy lifestyle to power you throughout the day if you can. Since you will be busy the entire day because of studying and working, you will need energy to get you through it, and you can do that through good food and rest. It’s okay if you missed a meal or only had a few hours of sleep. Just try your best to meet certain targets, and you will notice interesting results in the process.

Inform People At All Times

Make it a point to inform people—such as your teachers, employers, or loved ones—if you want to adjust your schedule to balance work and school or feel the strain from juggling. With their help, you may be able to get a breather and get advice on how you can improve your strategy further.

Juggling university with freelance work is not for the faint of heart. But with the right strategy tweaked to your situation, you may have a fighting chance to succeed. Use the tips above as a guide to help you with your attempt, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Juggling and multi-tasking are not easy. Here are some articles to help you cope with it:
What are the Signs of Job Burnout and How Do You Overcome It
Why It is Important to Disconnect from Work
How to Take a Relaxing Vacation Without Stressing About Work

Can’t get enough of MiddleMe? You can find me sharing my thoughts here as well: 
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