5 Common Mistakes To Avoid After A Workplace Injury

a person holding a crutch and walking cane

Experiencing an injury at work can be a frightening and perplexing period. The agony, the administrative tasks, and the unpredictability can all be quite overwhelming. Additionally, certain frequent missteps individuals tend to make in the aftermath can exacerbate the ordeal. Here are some common errors to dodge following an occupational injury, allowing you to dedicate your energy to recuperating and regaining your stride:

Not Informing Your Employer

It is crucial to inform your employer immediately following an accident. They need to understand the details and context of the incident to respond correctly. Neglecting to report it promptly may lead to a denial or reduction of your workers’ compensation benefits.

Delaying the report of an accident at work might give the impression that the injury is less serious than stated, a perception both employers and insurers may exploit to decrease the compensation you receive.

Delaying Consultation With an Attorney

Law experts concentrating on workers’ compensation thoroughly understand the complicated scenarios that might manifest throughout a claim’s timeline. Employing the services of a seasoned Burnett Law workers’ compensation lawyer is crucial for a fluid navigation through the legal framework, guaranteeing your case is efficiently managed from its initiation to its completion.

In the absence of counsel from a legal professional, there exists the possibility of mistakenly performing acts or making remarks that could unfavorably impact the outcome of your claim.

Overlooking the Doctor’s Treatment Plan

Neglecting or deviating from a treatment plan recommended by healthcare professionals is unwise. Such actions could worsen your condition, extend the recovery period, and lead to complications that might threaten your compensation rights and employment.

Complying with the prescribed treatment may restrict certain activities temporarily, for example, heavy lifting or using machinery, but it’s for your eventual benefit. Should your work duties be limited based on medical advice, leading to reduced pay, it’s crucial to adhere to your doctor’s recommendations. Workers’ compensation is designed to assist in covering any financial shortfall during this period.

Deciding Against Returning to Work When Possible

Should you choose not to return to work upon your doctor’s clearance, you risk forfeiting any benefits you may be eligible for. If you feel unprepared to resume work, communicate this to your doctor immediately. It is not advisable to force yourself back into work simply because your doctor deems it safe.

When an employee hesitates to return to work due to an employer’s refusal to accommodate a restricted duty arrangement, it’s imperative to report such violations immediately.

Exaggerating the Severity of Your Injuries

One frequent misstep among those injured on the job is to exaggerate how much their injuries have affected them. Whether it’s healthcare providers, insurance firms, or judges, these professionals can easily tell if the severity of your injuries is being overstated.

While you might believe that amplifying your injuries could help get your claim accepted, it can lead to the opposite outcome: your claim being rejected. Be honest about your injuries’ impact on your life to secure the rightful compensation and benefits you deserve.


Navigating the recovery process from a workplace injury is already difficult, and the additional strain of risking your workers’ compensation claim can make it even harder. Steering clear of these frequent errors will help safeguard your rights and guarantee you obtain the complete benefits you deserve.

Featured image by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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