By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
Let me ask you a question.
When you are approached by a corporate recruiter, whose interests are they looking out for? Their employer’s, of course.
If you are contacted by an agency recruiter, whose interests are they looking out for?
The people who pay them (their client) and their own. After all, they are only paid if they deliver someone to their client who is hired and stays on the job for 90 days.
Even if they give you advice about how to interview, it is only with an eye toward getting you to take a job where they get a payday.
And if you think their opinions about the different jobs that you are evaluating when their client extends an offer or while you are interviewing is unbiased, I have some property with swampland on it you might be interested in.
Who’s looking out for you?
Well, you may ask your wife, husband, or partner for advice and some of them may be professional people and knowledgeable in their expertise but not in job hunting, even if they have changed jobs a few times.
Maybe you can ask a friend, a former colleague or former boss for advice . . . and even if they have hired people before, they don’t have the experience of what others look for when they hire, how to write great resumes, interview extremely well, find job leads, negotiate salary. brand yourself for this job search or ones in the future, negotiate salary effectively, or how to handle the myriad details of a job search.
You see, the skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.
JobSearch.Community has videos, articles, and books of mine available to you to help you with your search.
In addition, you can ask me questions and get opinions and answers from me.
And, I want to build a community of people there who ask questions of one another and provide advice.
The forums are organized so you can get help anywhere in your job search.
Are you starting your search? Visit a forum about preparing to job search. Not getting invitations for interviews when you send your resume out? There is info to help you write a better resume (or services that you can use to re-write one).
Not getting past a first interview? Pick up there?
Over 50?
Just starting your career or an early stage worker? There’s info for you.
All of my books and guides to job search are there.
Curated interviews with industry experts speaking about different aspects of job hunting.
Articles I’ve written.
Interviews I’ve given.
Did I mention that you could ask me questions?
Membership in the site is at introductory rates that will increase.
And content will be added almost daily.
Do you want a video or podcast created that answers one of your questions? Let me know and I’ll work it into my creation schedule. Otherwise, I’ll answer you by text on the site.
The reason you are feeling stress is is a disconnect between who you see yourself as being and how others see you.
Let’s team up and narrow the gap or get you there.
Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2016, 2021
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. He is hired to provide No BS Career Advice globally. That can involve job search, hiring staff, management, leadership, career transition and advice about resolving workplace issues. Schedule a discovery call at my website,
He is the producer and former host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes.
Website: (schedule a paid coaching session, a free discovery call or ask questions using my Trusted Adviser Services)
Main YouTube:
No BS Job Search Advice Radio Podcast:
Video Podcast of No BS Job Search Advice Radio: Spotify
Resume & LinkedIn Profile critiques
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