What is Going to Make You Look Different?

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

So often, people look the same as those they compete with. What is going to make you look different?

Why Workshops, Courses and Bootcamps Don’t Work

What makes you different than all the people you’re competing with for the jobs that you’re trying to get? I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. Let me answer the question for you. And the answer comes down to what’s your digital footprint? And I’m not talking about your LinkedIn profile. I’m looking beyond that. What are you sharing? What are your writing? Do you have a YouTube channel? Have you been a guest on a podcast? What makes you stand out from all the other people who are applying for jobs or networking to get jobs? It’s no longer your resume that’s going to make the difference, especially during downtimes. Who you are as an individual makes all the difference in the world and it’s easy for them to find out whether you’re just like everyone else, or there’s something about you that stands out.

Hope you found this helpful. Visit JobSearchTV.com on YouTube. There’s a lot more there. Hope you have a terrific day.

Career Coach Office Hours: April 23 2024


People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS job search coaching and career advice globally because he makes job search and succeeding in your career easier. 

Giving Thanks

You will find great info and job search coaching to help with your job search at ⁠⁠JobSearch.Community⁠⁠ 

Connect on LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/T⁠⁠heBigGameHunter⁠ 

Schedule a discovery call to speak with me about one-on-one or group coaching during your job search at ⁠www.TheBigGameHunter.us

10 AI Power Tools to Land Your Next Job

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes over 13+ years.

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