The Interview With a Former Boss

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

How do you treat an interview with a Former boss? Do you do anything different?

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Hi!  I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter.  I’m the head coach for  I was on call with someone.  I thought would be interesting to record this.  We had a conversation about talking with your former boss.  He has an interview scheduled with the former boss that was to hire him for a particular role.  He asked me, “How should I prepare for the conversation?”

The short answer to this is that he is a friend and he is considering hiring you.  As a result, he is going to evaluate and assess you.  Don’t think of this is just to friends talking.  Think of it is that he has a responsibility to evaluate and assess you.  Even though he is giving you a thumbnail about what the conversation is going to be about, you might just follow up by saying, “Hey, it’s just so good to hear your voice.”  Yada yada.  You chat for a little bit and then switch the conversation to, “I know you give me an idea of what you are looking for.  I want to go into more of a deep dive with you.  Would you tell me a little bit more about the position involved in what I can do to help?”  That takes it into the realm of the professional where it needs to be.

You may be a leader in an organization, but here, you are still a job hunter.  You may be friends with this person, but you are still a job hunter.  This is true no matter where you are in the process, whether you’re the junior individual and interviewing with someone who you went to college with and dormed with or, as was the case here, you are a leader talking to another veteran leader talking about returning to an organization that you previously left to work as a consultant working at a client.

No matter what, you are always being scrutinized.  People are going to measure you for the role AND, in this particular case, there was another subject in that the position involved wasn’t really one that he was looking for.  This was a fun little twist to the situation.  You see, he’s really looking for a senior role and here they wanted him to come in at a different level because it is consulting organization.  What do you do if a CEO role opens up and the question comes up?  You tell them you will help them higher your replacement, make yourself available, introduce them to recruiters who you know and try to make the transition as smooth as possible, diffuse that is a potential issue and try to move on.

I hope you found this helpful.  Visit www.JobSearch.Community.  It’s my site where I can answer questions and provide you with great information designed to help you find work more quickly.

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. Those things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes.

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How Can I See Another Person’s LinkedIn Profile Without Them Knowing?

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