Career Directors International

When it’s time to hire subcontractor resume writers OR you’re looking for opportunities in subcontracting, it’s helpful to understand industry best practices from your peers.

This comprehensive report provides insights into the current state of subcontracting in the resume writing industry based on data collected from a survey of resume writers and career coaches within CDI membership.

Survey respondents either subcontract or hire subcontractors.

The resume writer subcontractor survey consists of the following 28 questions around pricing, payment, turnaround time, ghostwriting, direct client contact, subcontractor location, credentials, and more:

  1. What type of subcontracting work do you hire/do you do, if you are a subcontractor? Mark all that apply.
  2. What services do you subcontract/perform as the subcontractor? Mark all that apply.
  3. How do you pay/are paid if you are a subcontractor or ghostwriter? Choose all that apply.
  4. Direct Contact Subs & NOT Ghostwriters: What is roughly the amount paid/received for an entry-level resume writing project? If you don’t pay by the level, please estimate.
  5. Ghostwriters & NOT Direct Contact Subs: What is roughly the amount paid/received for an entry-level resume writing project? If you don’t pay by the level, please estimate.
  6. Direct Contact Subs & NOT Ghostwriters: What is roughly the amount paid/received for a mid-level resume writing project? If you don’t pay by the level, please estimate.
  7. Ghostwriters & NOT Direct Contact Subs: What is roughly the amount paid/received for a mid-level resume writing project? If you don’t pay by the level, please estimate.
  8. Direct Contact Subs & NOT Ghostwriters: What is roughly the amount paid/received for a senior/executive-level resume writing project? If you don’t pay by the level, please estimate.
  9. Ghostwriters & NOT Direct Contact Subs: What is roughly the amount paid/received for a senior/executive-level resume writing project? If you don’t pay by the level, please estimate.
  10. Ghost Writing: What do you pay/are paid for LinkedIn profile writing services? Choose the amount that you most often pay/are paid.
  11. Direct Contact Subbing: What do you pay/are paid for LinkedIn profile writing services? Choose the amount that you most often pay/are paid.
  12. What do you pay/are paid for proofreading of a resume?
  13. What is the most common/average turnaround time of your resume writing projects? Pick all that apply if you have clients/writers with different time frames.
  14. How quickly do you pay/get paid?
  15. How do you issue/receive compensation? Select all that apply.
  16. Do you hire only certified or award-winning resume writers/are you certified or award-winning (as a sub/ghost)?
  17. Do you hire/have you been hired as a junior writer who needed to be trained?
  18. Do you pay more/receive higher pay because of advanced certifications or awards?
  19. Hiring Cos Only: Has using subs or ghosts for resume writing provided a positive or negative ROI?
  20. Hiring Cos Only: How many subs/ghost do you have at any given time?
  21. Hiring Cos Only: What kind of, if any, problems have you had with subs/ghosts? Select all that apply.
  22. What is the average time a writer stays with you/you stay with a company?
  23. How do you find subs/ghostwriters or find these writing opportunities to sub/ghost? Select all that have worked in the past.
  24. Are you using/were you asked to sign CDI’s subcontractor agreement?
  25. Have you replaced subs/been replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT?
  26. What country do you reside in?
  27. Do you hire/have you been hired by companies outside of the country in which you reside? If yes, please list those countries. Do not list your own country here.
  28. Is there anything else you think we should know?

Plus, we include a 3-page Major Findings and Summary to provide you with the high points and need-to-know data around resume writer subcontracting.

The 29-page resume writer subcontracting report is free to CDI members!

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Subcontracting from Both Sides of the Contract (Tip Sheet) >>

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