Onboarding: 5 Things to Know Before Implementing a Buddy Program [Part 2]

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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Onboarding programs do two things: 1) welcome the new hire to the company and 2) provide the tools to be successful. On some level, giving employees the tools they need to be productive on the job is straight-forward. Companies have job descriptions that list the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed for the position. And they have training programs in place to support those KSAs.

While it might sound easy, the welcoming part might actually be more challenging. Companies need to decide what welcoming looks like. It could be a video from the CEO or a welcome basket filled with company-logoed tchotchkes. Those things are nice and should definitely be considered. They can help make a great first impression.

Many organizations look to buddy programs to give new hires a longer lasting welcomeA buddy program connects new hires with current employees for a specified period of time. The buddy is available to answer questions, make introductions, and show the new hire around. They are not a substitute for the manager or training. Their focus is on socialization.

However, buddy programs take some intentional thought and planning. Before implementing a buddy program, here are a few things to consider:

  1. SupportBuddy programs involve the entire organization. Organizations have to take care of customers and produce excellent products or services. However, the first time a member of management says (or implies) that the buddy program isn’t a priority, the program doesn’t get the attention and resources it deserves. 
  1. Benefits. Speaking of support, managers and employees will make the organization’s buddy program come alive. They need to know the WIIFM (What’s in it for me?). Managers need to be committed to selecting the right buddy for new hires. And employees need to view being a buddy as a benefit and not just another work assignment.
  1. BudgetSince a good portion of a buddy’s role is socialization, organizations will want to make sure that this can occur. And let’s face it, a lot of socialization and welcoming happens over coffee and lunches. We’re not talking about large sums of money, but buddies should be able to chat with new hires over coffee or take them out to lunch.
  1. Qualities. Think of this like selection criteria. Everyone in the organization should be on the same page about what makes a good buddy. Some of the qualities everyone will quickly agree on – dependable, credible, etc. Other qualities might be unique to your organization and industry.
  1. Results. Any time a program is implemented, organizations need to ask themselves, “What does success look like?” It might be through metrics like improved engagement and lower turnover. Or increased productivity. Maybe it doesn’t involve a number at all – success could be hearing new hires in stay interviews say that the buddy made a difference.

I always remember this survey from Korn Ferry, 98% of executives say onboarding programs are a key factor in employee retention. However, nearly a quarter (23%) have a program that lasts one day. Approximately one-third (30%) said their program lasts a week. While the survey is from a few years ago, I believe the data still has merit. Buddy programs are an opportunity for companies to add value to their existing onboarding efforts. 

Buddy programs have the potential to deliver big results. Everyone needs to be on board (no pun intended) with the program. It takes commitment – of people and resources – to make buddy programs work. 

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while grabbing a bubble tea at Kung Fu Tea in Gainesville, FL

The post Onboarding: 5 Things to Know Before Implementing a Buddy Program [Part 2] appeared first on hr bartender.

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