[Newsletter] Remote Workers Spark Trend Online By Working From Disney Parks​

[Newsletter] Remote Workers Spark Trend Online By Working From Disney Parks​

May 20, 2024

Welcome to this week’s Remotive newsletter! Get comfy, grab your favorite beverage, and enjoy these insights to make your remote work experience even better.

👌 How to ask about remote work policy in a job interview (CNBC) – With scripts and everything!

🎯 Your social media presence can help you land (or llose) a job opportunity (HBR) – Be visible, not desperate (and keep it boss-proof).

🧑‍💻 The Getting Things Done (GTD) framework (Toggl) – Howard Stern loves GTD—does it still work today?

▶️ Remote workers spark trend online by working from Disney parks (NBC News) – Some folks have been working there for two years…

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Is this job for you?

👉 Tech Lead at Webicient (Worldwide)

👉 Senior Independent UX/UI Designer at A.Team (USA and European timezones)

👉 Supervisory Senior Technologist at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (USA)

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