New Jersey Wants to Ban Companies From Ghosting Job Candidates. It’s a Terrible Idea — Improve Your HR

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Boo! It’s spooky season, when ghosts abound–but some ghosts may soon be unwelcome. New Jersey is sick and tired of companies ghosting candidates and has introduced a bill to ban the practice. (Tinder users, you’re on your own here.)

Headhunter Nick Corcodilas’ newsletter brought this new ghost-busting bill to my attention. He wrote:

For job seekers, ghosting has made everyday Halloween and has turned employers, recruiters and the job-board industry into shameless tricksters.

The proposed law would require New Jersey businesses to do several things they’ll probably hate, but that job candidates may love. These include:

To keep reading, click here: New Jersey Wants to Ban Companies From Ghosting Job Candidates. It’s a Terrible Idea 

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