It’s Holiday Party Season! — Improve Your HR

It's Holiday Party Season! — Improve Your HR

It’s holiday party season!

You know what this means?

It’s okay not to drink alcohol. It’s also okay to have employees who don’t drink alcohol.

I realize this may be the stupidest thing some of you have read because you’re thinking, “Duh. Drinking isn’t required!”

But as a non drinker, I can tell you that, for whatever reason, some drinkers will pressure non-drinkers. I don’t know why, but it’s wrong.

Good companies that decide to offer alcohol at company parties should also offer a variety of non-alcoholic drinks. Bubble water is my party drink of choice, but I’d love to have a good mocktail available.

And lest you think I’m overreacting here are a couple of horror stories:

Spiking a drink at the company party:
Pressuring a non-drinker to drink:
Problems of drunk people at work events:

Please! Enjoy your alcohol, but don’t pressure anyone to drink. They may be non-drinkers for any number of reasons, none of which are any of your business.

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