By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
Here, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses an easy-to-implement strategy for asking a firm to increase their salary offer to you so that you will accept it.
The Top 10 Salary Negotiation Mistakes
We are going to be talking today about a strategy for firming up the job offer. I want to be clear – – it doesn’t always work. Nothing always works. If you want a guarantee in life, I will give you one guarantee – – you are going to die. That is the only guarantee that exists.
This is an opportunity for you to try upping the job offer and do it in a way where, after you come on board, they’ll take it out in your hide. You see, I’ve been in tough negotiations with people because they have insisted that they squeeze every drop of blood out of my client. What invariably happens is, in a tough negotiation, when the person comes on board, it is taken out on them. There are a lot of different ways; I’m not to go through with describing them.
I simply want to talk about how you can do negotiation without them getting angry at you. Here’s a scenario I was helping someone with recently.
At various points, he’d given me an idea of what he would do, except for my clients. He is involved with the relocation to accept this job and the client far exceeded any relocation money that the guy was asking for. The candidate was thrilled about that. However, he missed and made a mistake in his calculations about the salary part of the job offer. He forgot to take into consideration the tax differences between the 2 states. So, suddenly, what was an acceptable offer has become a few thousand dollars short.
Here’s what I suggested to do. Understand, the client extended the offer to him directly. I am the client to represented him to them but they will be dealing with one another now and in the future. So, yes, I could step in, but I thought it would be best if he handled this because they have been dealing with him directly throughout the interview process and I just think they want to have that relationship with him and he has to reciprocate.
What I suggested that he do is make arrangements to speak with my client and approach them in this matter. Before I go any further, let me explain some of the nuances. I said to him, “Before you call up, slow your speech down. When people speak quickly, is associated with people who ‘hustle.’ Scam artists. Insincerity. Will be slower speech down, and seem like we are kicking their individual words carefully, it sounds sincere. It is important for you to send sincere.”
Then I continued by saying, “what you say to him is as follows, ‘when I spoke with Jeff about what I would find acceptable, I told him this number. But, I forgot to take into account that there was a tax difference. I haven’t told him about this until today and I just thought I would talk with you directly about this. The difference is (and I told him to quote the specific number). Please understand, I want to join very much. It is a great opportunity. I’m ready to say yes today. Could you increase the number by (and that I suggested that he quote the specific number he was looking for)?’”
What this does make this a person-to-person relationship between the parties. They can hear the sincerity, where they can hear your agony over this, where they can hear that you want to join and that you are prepared to commit today if they increase the offer. That goes a long way in employers playbook because 1 of the things that they hate doing (understand, this happens all the time. People say that they will do one thing and then they do something else. They don’t want to do all the work to get approvals to get an offer increase and to then have you turn it down). By hearing your voice and sounding sincere. What you are able to do is be personally persuasive, given the carrot of letting them know that you’re ready to say yes if they had that number, and then, from their standpoint, once you get that number, you got the job!
Sincerity. Slowing your speech down. Being clear about what you are looking for. These are huge part of how to up the offer.
You can always hardball people and say, “I made a mistake. I know I said I was looking for. This amount, but I really want this.” You can do that and be prepared for firms to say, “You know what? Don’t let the door hit you in the butt.” And, I will do other shows that will talk about how to do a tough negotiation.
When all is said and done, I think that if you are very close and there is a few thousand dollars difference, sincerity goes a long way toward bringing everything together.
Avoid Premature Negotiation and Other Negotiation Tips