Career Directors International

Today’s LinkedIn provides a robust and effective job search and authority building platform for job seekers, so CDI’s Education committee has created a new done-for-you, white-labeled job seeker tip sheet on the topic that you can customize, give away, bundle, or sell.

This LinkedIn job search tip sheet is a DEEP DIVE, sharing everything both you and your clients/prospects need to know to incorporate LinkedIn job search. And rightly so, since LinkedIn claims seven (7) people get hired every minute through their site.

Don’t walk but run to this new 10 page LinkedIn Job Search tip sheet, which comprehensively covers:

  • Everything connections from the who to the how, with sample connection request wording for various situations.
  • Understanding and using “Open to” settings.
  • Groups, more on groups, and tapping the power of groups.
  • Power of recommendations and how to give and receive them.
  • All about how to find jobs and tap into tools such as Job Match Checker, Easy Apply, how to tap positions with less competition (First Few Applicants), ways to leverage posts and comments, and additional features with Premium.
  • Interested in Your Company opportunity.
  • Additional strategies for standing out and positively getting noticed by prospective employers and recruiters as an authority.
  • LinkedIn’s AI interview preparation tool.

Special Thanks to Our Contributors

Special thanks goes to CDI’s Education Committee members for masterminding this new tip sheet. Laura Hartnell of Laura Hartnell Career Transition Services was the lead in bringing this together with additional key contributions from Bridget Batson of Houston Outplacement Resume Writing and Career Counseling and Amrita Kolay of 

Other member and committee contributors who helped craft the initial version, and whose information may still be reflected in today’s version, include:

Robert Dagnall – Resume Guru
Rachel Raymond – RVP Writing and Design, LLC

Get the LinkedIn for Job Search Tip Sheet for Job Seekers Now

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Whether you are just starting out or are an established entrepreneur, Career Directors has resources available to take you to your next step.

Additional LinkedIn Resources for Job Search & Business (Free for Members)

Done-for-You White-Labeled Job Seeker Tip Sheets

Step-By-Step to Creating a Winning LinkedIn Profile (Best Practices Tip Sheet)

Top LinkedIn Tips for Job Search: What Job Seekers Need to Know with Donna Shannon (Video)

Leveraging the ROI of LinkedIn Company Pages for Entrepreneurs & Brands with Laura DeCarlo (Video)

Using LinkedIn Recruiter to Optimize Profiles, Add Services & Close More Sales with Julia Kaukinen (Video)

Strategies for Writing and Creating Winning LinkedIn Profiles with Brenda Bernstein (Video)

How Resume Writers & Career Coaches Leverage LinkedIn Posting as a Top Marketing ROI Strategy (Video)

Advice From Recruiters on Using Job Boards & LinkedIn for Job Search Success

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