How To Start Freelancing In Guest Posting For Blogs And Work Remotely

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Have you ever stumbled upon a blog article in search of the necessary information, and then you can no longer stop until you have read all the publications? This happens to almost everyone.

Now ask yourself the following questions. Who writes these articles? How much do they get for them? And would you like to earn money by sharing useful information with other people? If at least one of these questions interests you, getting to know this type of employment as a freelance writer for blogs and guest posts makes sense.

Who is a writer for blogs and guest posts

Blog and guest post writers are freelance writers who write interesting articles for their clients for their sites. Often these specialists are confused with copywriters. This is not entirely correct. Copywriters create content that “sells”, that is, the purpose of the copywriter’s job is to sell a service or product through text.

A blog writer is a writer who draws the attention of Internet users to a product, service, or event. He can write on a given topic, or he can generate an idea himself.

Copywriters work with data, statistics, and content formulas. The primary tool of the author for blogs is SEO optimization. SEO is a complex system, knowledge, and understanding of which is not necessary for a blogger. In order for articles to be “liked” by search engines and rise to the TOP in the search results, you need to focus on the database. Therefore, it is about the basic knowledge of SEO that we will talk about, first of all, analyzing the main steps to the career of a blog author.

How to become a blog and guest post writer?

We will analyze 5 basic steps, without passing which it is impossible to become a professional freelance writer, including a copywriter.

Step 1: Learn SEO Basics

What is the essence of blogging and why does the brand pay so much attention to them? Articles that are useful to the reader attract visitors to the site. And not just bored Internet surfers, but a target audience that is interested in a specific issue, topic, or product.

In order for a user on the network to find your text, it must be as high as possible in the search engine results. How to optimize a site is a headache for other specialists. A blog writer needs to know how to write SEO content. To do this, it is enough to know the base:

  • The text should be fully consistent with the topic, and the title. That is, if you need to write a text about cows, then it should be about animals, and not about what healthy milk they give;
  • Keywords are words and phrases that the search engine sees, and by which it selects the text for issuance. There is a danger in using keywords – if there are too many of them, the system sees the text as over-optimized. It is of no use to the reader, and therefore the article may not get into the search results at all.

Important! Don’t rely on SEO optimizers to give you a ready-made list of keywords. Learn to use the services for their selection yourself, this will increase your value as a specialist. You can learn from guest posting professionals and then start writing and hosting your own articles. To do this, just study the content that the experts create and follow it.

  • The structure of the text – it is extremely important to use headings, subheadings, and lists in the text. Such a text is better perceived both visually and in meaning;
  • “Water” is a term denoting an empty text, that is, one that does not carry any semantic load. Too watery texts are not liked by either readers or search engines;
  • Uniqueness – the text must be the author’s, written by you, and not just a slightly modified creation of another writer.

There are many services that allow you to check the SEO indicators of the text. At first, it will be difficult to keep track of all the indicators at once, the articles may not seem too literary. Mastery comes with time and experience. Hence our second advice and step.

Step 2: Write

Write a lot, for yourself, and customers, for sites where you can post text for free. Write for exchanges where you can sell an article.

The more you write, the more precise, sharper, and unique your style becomes. In addition, you create a portfolio that you can show or send to your customers.

If you don’t want to write in vain, start your own blog, but this is the next step.

Step 3: Brand Identity Matters for Bloggers

In the bustling digital landscape, a blogger’s success often hinges on their ability to establish a strong online presence. A handcrafted writer logo design serves as the visual cornerstone of this presence. A logo, especially for writers and bloggers, with its unique design and typography, instantly communicates your brand’s essence and sets you apart from the competition.

It becomes a recognizable symbol that readers associate with your expertise and content. Moreover, a consistent brand identity, encompassing everything from color palettes to fonts and imagery, reinforces your brand’s personality and creates a cohesive experience for your audience. This visual harmony not only enhances your credibility but also helps you attract and retain loyal followers, ultimately driving engagement and success in the blogging world.

Step 4: Start Your Blog

You must have a hobby or a topic that you are most interested in. Write about it. If you have deep knowledge in some direction, be it fashion or nuclear physics, or even as an event photographer, start a specialized blog. But at the same time, be varied and flexible so you can translate your content for different audiences or platforms.

If you want to become an expert, dedicate yourself entirely to one area. This has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages – companies are willing to pay really decent money to experts for content. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to find customers on narrow topics.

Step 5: Pay Attention to Social Media

Any social network today is no longer entertainment, but a powerful platform for promoting goods and services. So, about 97% of bloggers promote their blog posts through social networks. It is extremely important to build your reputation on social networks. If you decide to make a serious living as a writer, your professional page should not include a photo from a party, with your beloved cat, or on the beach. Be sure to create pages and accounts in specialized networks, and on forums.

A freelance writer must lead an active but very controlled life online.

Step 6: Learn Self-Discipline

For every freelancer, including a writer, self-organization is one of the most important skills. You can be a genius, a master of the pen, but if you break deadlines, disappear for an indefinite time, and do not get in touch with the customer, they simply will not work with you. The same applies to those who develop their own blogs. Do not publish anything for a month or two, readers will go to a more prolific and disciplined author, even if their articles are less exciting than yours.

Make friends with the calendar and time management. Determine for yourself not only the scope of working hours, and the deadlines for the delivery of orders but also the time for rest and recovery. Without this, any professional burns out very quickly. Working as a writer for blogs and guest posts is very exciting and pays well at some point in your career. We talked about how to start a career and become a blog writer. We will also tell you how to create your own brand for authors and make money on a name, but a little later.

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