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When you’re resume writing, it’s important to gather the right content and materials first to avoid what I call Blank Page Syndrome.

There’s nothing worse than wasting time staring at a blank screen trying to come up with the perfect words, phrases, and results.

But not only is it a time suck, but it can dramatically impact the quality of what goes into your resume as well.

In this show we’ve focused on showing you the steps to take up front so you can skip right past that blank computer screen, sneak past your censoring thought system and get to the data that lets the power writing easily begin for showcase resume content.

Some of what I cover to make resume writing easier includes how to:

  • Guide clients to gather information for their consultation that values both yours and their time, boosts confidence and trust, and reduces overwhelm.
  • Perform research that ensures you cover critical content gaps and shows that you’re the expert, even when you’ve never written for a profession before.
  • Uncover the golden nuggets from 12 different areas and apply the puzzle piece query approach to avoid critical resume information being taken for granted and left out.
  • More effectively target career changes, promotions, industry changes, first jobs after graduation, and other unique twists in a job seeker’s trajectory.
  • Work from rich data vs a blank page, to avoid wasting precious time and ending up with underwhelming resume content and losses in valuable branding.

Don’t miss this crucial foundational step in resume writing!

It may seem time intensive to do this work up front to gather the right content, but it results in writing winning resumes every time!

Resumes for Dummies 8th EdResumes for Dummies, 8th edition Kindle giveaway:

It wasn’t hard to figure out who to gift this copy to. I had lurkers according to the attendance count with no one speaking up or participating.

We’ll try again next week, since I’m giving away a copy on each show for September is International Update Your Resume Month.

If you’d like the chance at a copy next week, plan to join me!

Learn more about the book >>

Replay & Next Livestream

Update Your Resume Month logoAs we continue through September is International Update Your Resume Month, in next week’s show I’m going to talk about what I call the resume formatting funnel for high-impact resumes and then technology allowing, I plan to share some resume layouts I’ve created that make an excellent foundation for resumes that are geared for success whether you’re working with a traditional progressive career chronology, need to showcase older information, or are a new graduate. Each one of these is a launch pad for creating your unique spin and building a resume that stands out.

Be sure to also join me for a chance at the giveaway!

Again, we’ve streaming on CDI’s LinkedIn pageYouTube channel, and in our Facebook page (almost) every Wednesday at 3:45 PM Eastern. And, don’t forget to like, follow, and subscribe so you stay in the know!

Watch the Livestream Recording Here

Ready to learn how to gather the right content when resume writing? Watch now:

What’s Next? Additional Resources


8 Ways to Leverage Update Your Resume Month for Business Growth >>

How and Why of Update Your Resume Month for Resume Writers and Career Pros >>

Update Your Resume Month – Public Page >>

TORI-Winning Resumes >>

CDI Association Membership Waitlist >>

CDI Free Stuff Resources >> (includes replay, email sign up, blog posts, lessons, and more)

All Livestream Replays >>

10 Key Components of a Winning Resume >>

Resume Journey & Audience: What Happens After a Job Seeker Applies >>

Member’s Only: 

Update Your Resume Month: Letters, Tools & Press Releases >>

All Top CDI Resume Writing Tools and Resources >> (Compendium)

Educate Clients on Resume Tailoring + Client Done-for-You Template >> (White Labeled to Give Away or Sell)

Resume Writing for New Graduates & Career Changers >> (Updated for 2024 with New Sample Resumes)

Nail Your Resume Writing Intake Process to Elevate Writing & Enhance Client Experience with TOR Winner Rachel Raymond (Video Lesson)

Resume Writing Intake Process with TORI Winner Tiffany Hardy (Video Master Class)

Story Telling & Branding in Resume Writing with TORI Winner Kim Robb Baker (Video Master Class)

Mind Control via Emotional Resonance in Resume Writing with Donald Burns (Video Master Class)

Coaching Strategies for Resume Writers + Helpful Client Control Tips with Ari Shaffer (Video Master Class)

Client Information Control and Boundary Setting (Best Practice Tips) >>

Resume Data Mining: Client Information Gathering & Control >> (Audio Master Class)

Resume/CV Advice by Country (Member Support) >>

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