Career Directors International

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The question many resume writers and career coaches are currently asking, is how much salary can I earn right now and has that gone up or down over recent years?

That’s why CDI has recently completed our 2nd annual Critical Industry Analysis Survey to identify trends around:

  • Rates and revenue
  • Trends in income (up, down, same)
  • Trends in marketing (what’s working and what’s not)
  • Impact of AI
  • Profile of a 6-figure resume writer and/or career coach

and so much more. 

Each year we limit the survey to CDI members only because with the master tools and support they receive, their results are consistently above the norm. Yet, they are representative of what is possible for any resume writer or career coach who takes advantage of CDI resources.

In this show I share the information everyone wants to know at this time of year:

Does CDI still believe this industry is recession-proof and resume writers and career coaches can still earn a great salary while  fulfilling their mission to make a difference?

As the data shows, and you’ll learn in this replay, the answer is yes.

It’s not Yes for everyone, but then we’re never guaranteed success just by getting a business license and putting our services out there.

The data is positive!

But there IS a big shakeup happening.

Even when we come out of our regularly scheduled Fall market pause, which has been more complicated this year due to several current national and global trends, the industry simply can’t sustain over 3M resume writers and career coaches who are largely underqualified.

So, make time for this critical and enlightening replay and check out the supporting resources below, many of which are free for all and others that are member’s only. 

You’ll see that our industry is very much packed with future opportunity for growth, success and longevity, and you’ll be motivated to take action to capitalize on that for your own practice. 

Replay & Next Livestream

We’ve been so busy with the TORI awards that I haven’t planned my next show yet.

Looking at last year it could cover:

  • AI, it’s perceived impact and how everyone is using it/wants to use it.
  • Most successful marketing strategies colleagues are using to grow or maintain their revenue.
  • Analysis of what those who are declining appear to be doing or not doing.

Last year I spent about 6 weeks on deep dive shows to dig into content on what not to do and what to do in order to further your success and come out winning on the career industry entrepreneur pathway so you can be assured the content will be hard-hitting.

I’ll announce the show on social media as I may need to take next week off as my husband is having surgery and we don’t learn the time until the night before.

Again, we’ve streaming on CDI’s LinkedIn pageYouTube channel, and in our Facebook page (almost) every Wednesday at 3:45 PM Eastern. And, don’t forget to like, follow, and subscribe so you stay in the know!

Watch the Livestream Recording Here

Ready to learn trends around the salary resume writers and career coaches are currently earning? Watch now:

What’s Next? Additional Resources


Join CDI’s Facebook Community >>

All CDI Free Lessons >>

Master’s Video Course for Resume Writers & Career Coaches Who Want to Close 4-Figure Sales >>

2023 Resume Writing Pricing Survey Report for Members + Non-Member Free Excerpt >>

Everything a Resume Writer or Career Coach Needs for a 6-Figure-Plus Year >>

All Livestream Replays: Unlimited Success Without the Stress for Resume Writers & Career Coaches >>

Success Profiles of 6-Figure Resume Writers and Career Coaches >>

Grow Your Solopreneur Business Faster Through Niche Marketing >>

Marketing’s Role in 2023 Business Success of Resume Writers & Career Coaches >>

Top Three High ROI Marketing Strategies for Resume Writers & Career Coaches in 2023 >>

How to Bust Barriers and Bash Imposter Syndrome to Reach Goals >>

Resume Writers and Career Coaches Being Negatively Impacted by ChatGPT >>

Cultivating a Winning Entrepreneurial Mindset >>

Plus, don’t miss the many 1-1 start up and growth secrets interviews!

Members Only: 

Members Get the 97% Closing Script >>

All Member 6-Figure Sales Resources >>

All Member Marketing Resources >>

Learn about Group Coaching >>

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