Home Depot Plans to Make Every Employee, Including Executives, Work in Stores. It’s an Absolutely Brilliant Move — Improve Your HR

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

In a recent memo to employees obtained by BloombergHome Depot announced that all employees–including executives–will have to work a full eight-hour shift in a store once per quarter.

This is brilliant, and how all businesses should operate when the core functions of the business differ substantially from the corporate office.

Home Depot isn’t the first business to send corporate folks into the thick of things. Twenty-five years ago, when I worked in the corporate offices of Wegmans, everyone had to spend time in the stores. And during the holiday season, it was all hands on deck. If a store needed me, into the store I went.

To keep reading, click here: Home Depot Plans to Make Every Employee, Including Executives, Work in Stores. It’s an Absolutely Brilliant Move

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