Emerging Tech-Driven Careers in Finance and Accounting

Emerging Tech-Driven Careers in Finance and Accounting

Finance is the bedrock of all economic work. Whatever is done in the name of business and advancement always comes back down to money in one way or another. Being that everything in life and business takes money it only makes sense that finance as an industry and position in businesses are typically near the top of the lists for consistently staffable positions.

What some people may not know is that, due to the ever advancing and evolving influence of technology on the world today, the same has occurred in the financial industry. As a result of these influences there is a new term that is being used to describe the marriage of finance and technology: “fintech”.

Fintech, though it has its roots in long-standing financial theory and practice has been going through some interesting changes in the last decade or so and as a result new ideas and approaches to finance are being adopted and expanded upon. The type of people that are drawn to this field of work typically have interests that form an intersection between multiple industries, however diverse those may be.

The need for smart, driven, and innovative minds to assess and interact with these intersecting industry techniques, as well as the recognition amongst businesses and owners, means that there is and will be a continuously expanding set of ideas to explore.

For those people who have a regular interest in the fields of technology and finance, then considering a job in fintech would be a smart thing to look into. The following is a brief list of some options for careers to be found in the emerging tech-driven industry of finance and accounting.

Options for Tech-Driven Careers

This uncommon position title may be new to people exploring careers options in finance and accounting. A full stack developer is a tech savvy computer specialist that has plenty of experience in coding for front and back-end systems.

Similar to teachers who create customized learning environments, some of the work full stack developers work with teams of other individuals to design apps and websites that allow for smooth customer interaction. They focus on coding complex, behind the scenes systems so that the front-facing usability is efficient and engaging while making sure that the internal company’s servers and coding are sound. They can also spend time testing, troubleshooting, and doing maintenance on the systems.

Full-stack developers should be creative, tech-savvy, very detail oriented, while still paying attention to the design and usability of computer programs. Coding skills are a must.

A comfortable average salivary range of around $80,000 and a strong job outlook for the future— this profession has grown nearly 35% since 2015— makes this a strong option to explore.

  • Cybersecurity Specialists

It is a terrible idea for any company of a sizable operation that is handling people’s personal information and financial transactions to not have at least consulted a cybersecurity specialist before, and with some regularity, during their operations. Almost every form of personal information and business transactions are digitized in our tech driven and enhanced economies, and as a result there are plenty of cybercriminal operations that, sadly, have created trouble for responsible business owners.

To counteract all this, cybersecurity specialists have been a staple among the tech and finance positions for decades now. The high risk and impotence of these positions means that there is plenty of job security and even steady job growth.

A great cybersecurity specialist uses clever, sound, and advanced technologies to enhance the internal security systems that monitor consumer and client data. They do this by collaborating with a slew of other departments internally and externally to reinforce software and hardware systems to mitigate information breeches. With another solid average salary, this continues to be a great choice for a job in fintech.

AI has become an unavoidable hot topic in technology in the last few years since the emergence of more familiar and accessible programs like ChatGPT. Though that has become more of a household name, AI tech has been used to enhance computer systems and company operating programs behind the scenes for a while now. Because this is, and will likely be, a very strong, cutting-edge force in the digital age, companies will be in need of professionals who understand how integrations of this nature work.

AI strategists work to advise clients on how and when to best utilize this advanced, fast growing tech for assimilation into their pre-existing systems. They will be good at analyzing and evaluating how current needs and systems may benefit from variations or additions of AI-informed processes to multiply the effectiveness of day to day operations such as customer centric sales techniques. They may go so far as to be asked to design a company’s AI informed system especially for that business, but certainly to manage the basic operating needs like cyber security, data storage, and program continuity.

Being that the rate of AI tech is so transmutable it should come as no surprise that such jobs pull in a very respectable average salary of around $150,000 a year.

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