Elon Musk Just Punctuated Tesla Layoffs With Another Tactic: A Hiring Freeze

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

Tesla has been laying people off. And in true Elon Musk fashion, it’s garnering news attention for the bad aspects of it. Like this email informing people that Tesla could not offer reasonable accommodations for their disabilities, or this story about an employee who slept in the Tesla parking lot.

But Tesla appears to have done something a bit quieter that also has an impact on employees: a hiring freeze.

Tesla’s hiring freeze

As of this writing on Friday, only three jobs are posted on Tesla’s job board. For a company with well over 100,000 employees, that’s an incredibly low number. Gizmodo reports that as of May 1, there were over 3,000 positions posted.

To keep reading, click here: Elon Musk Just Punctuated Tesla Layoffs With Another Tactic: A Hiring Freeze

The post Elon Musk Just Punctuated Tesla Layoffs With Another Tactic: A Hiring Freeze appeared first on Evil HR Lady.

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