Aligning HR Initiatives with Business Goals — Evil HR Lady

Aligning HR Initiatives with Business Goals — Evil HR Lady


This training session is designed to equip HR professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to strategically align HR initiatives with their organization’s business goals. Led by Victoria Purser, an expert with over 25 years of experience in HR management and strategic leadership, this session will provide participants with practical tools, templates, and real-world examples to enhance their strategic HR capabilities.


Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of business strategy, learn how to develop and implement effective HR strategies, and discover key HR metrics to measure the success of their initiatives. Through interactive case studies and group discussions, attendees will apply their learning to solve common HR challenges and drive business success.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand Business Strategy:
    • Define business strategy and identify its key components (Vision, Mission, Goals, Values).
    • Explain the role of HR in supporting and aligning with business strategy.
    • Analyze real-world examples of successful HR and business strategy alignment.
  2. Develop Strategic HR Leadership Skills:
    • Conduct effective needs assessments using tools such as SWOT analysis.
    • Develop HR strategies that align with business goals and secure leadership support.
    • Implement talent acquisition strategies that meet organizational needs and support cultural fit.
  3. Measure Success with HR Metrics:
    • Identify key HR metrics (e.g., Employee Turnover Rate, Employee Satisfaction Score, Time to Fill, Cost per Hire).
    • Develop and utilize an HR Metrics Dashboard to track and measure HR initiative success.
    • Conduct self-assessments to evaluate current HR strategies and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Apply Learning Through Interactive Case Studies:
    • Analyze and discuss real-world case studies, including integration challenges post-merger and adapting to a hybrid workforce.
    • Develop practical solutions to common HR challenges through group activities and discussions.
    • Present findings and share insights to enhance collaborative learning.

To get early bird pricing, register now for Strategic HR Leadership!

Most HR professionals are trained to be intrapreneurs, not entrepreneurs. Many have a passion for HR and the drive to make a positive impact beyond corporate… but don’t know where to start. They end up with a myriad of services they may not actually like providing, taking clients they don’t necessarily want to work with. The result is either they “build a job” vs. “build a business,” or they build nothing and return to corporate after a few months of struggling to find clients.


In this workshop, Kara helps entrepreneurial HR professionals gain confidence in their ability as an independent consultant and saves them time and money by giving HR Consultants a roadmap to clarity and focus. At the end of this training session, you will know how to create:


  • a Menu of Services, including your Signature Service
  • a defined Target Market & Model Client
  • an understanding of your Business Model & Price Structure
  • a Positioning Statement
  • a Marketing Strategy
  • an onboarding process for your Signature Service

Kara D. Kelley, SPHR, SHRM-SCP is the founder & CEO of Clinical HR LLC.

After 8 years of putting her B.S. in Business to use managing the HR, strategic planning, marketing, web mastering, internal operations, and business development functions for a CPA firm (yes, she wore all of those hats), Kara established her independent consulting firm niched to the dental profession. She has 12+ years of experience educating clients on the topics of strategic business planning, HR compliance, leadership, tax and accounting, and marketing.

During her first 8 months as an independent consultant, Kara signed 12 clients and established herself as a Key Opinion Leader in her field. She more than doubled her client list and nearly tripled her firm’s revenue in her second year of business, increased her revenue by 228% in 2023, and is projecting additional growth in 2024.

Kara has generously shared her knowledge and insight with the members of HR Consultants Mastermind since its inception in April of 2020. She’s not here to tell you what to do as a business owner, but rather to provide guidance and give you the tools you need to feel confident as an entrepreneurial HR professional.

To learn how to take launch your consulting services–or take your current services to the next level, register now: From Corporate to Consultant

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