Accessible and Rewarding Careers for Transitioning Veterans

Accessible and Rewarding Careers for Transitioning Veterans

Those serving in the military do a great service to the country and all of the people who live in it. While many have fruitful and fulfilling careers serving, there sometimes comes a point when it’s time for veterans to take the next step and engage in a new career.

Though this can be an exciting process, figuring out where to start can sometimes be tricky. Fortunately, getting some inspiration about amazing job roles for veterans to step into can make the process far easier and more accessible.

Here are accessible and rewarding careers for transitioning veterans.


Nursing is becoming one of the most sought-after job roles for aspiring professionals today. The reason for this is that it is an incredibly secure field that offers room to grow professionally. Furthermore, veterans becoming nurses have access to educational resources and job positions at VA hospitals and medical centers.

This being the case, veterans looking for a career shift should think about stepping into a nursing role.

To become qualified as a nurse, veterans will have to obtain either an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree in nursing. After this is completed, they will have to pass the NCLEX to become qualified to work as a registered nurse.

One amazing byproduct of becoming a nurse is being able to specialize in a wide variety of different fields. This means that veterans can tailor their nursing careers to their personal preferences and find more fulfillment.

In addition, by obtaining advanced degrees and certifications, one can become qualified for more advanced and lucrative nursing roles. As such, veterans looking for a career change should keep their eyes on new nursing trends that could make it easier to become qualified for the role in the coming years.

Project Management

In today’s world, organizations now have farther reaches than ever and often employ professionals in a variety of different locations. While this process has made working more convenient for some employees, it’s also made some processes more complicated and difficult for organizations to deal with.

This is why the project manager role has exploded over the last decade. Essentially, these professionals are tasked with checking in with various team members to ensure that all project and organizational goals are being met. In addition, project managers help facilitate collaboration between various organizational departments.

Those coming from a military background already have the training and skills to thrive in this type of work. This being the case, the transition can be less jarring given the fact that veterans will be able to utilize the skills they learned in their military careers.

To become a project manager, there are a variety of routes that one can take. While some people opt for traditional degrees focused on project management, others take online courses to obtain certification because it is more accessible.

The project management role is also a great option for veterans looking to transition into remote roles, as many companies hire remote project managers. In addition, VA resources may help to cover educational expenses depending on one’s military background.



For veterans looking to bring their ideas to life and run their own operations, stepping into entrepreneurship is an amazing option. Though it’s not always as straightforward of an option as getting a traditional job, it can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

Some key aspects necessary to be successful as an entrepreneur include careful planning and profound discipline. Fortunately for veterans, these vital skills are often learned during military careers, making veterans the perfect type of people to become amazing entrepreneurs.

Some accessible entrepreneurial routes for veterans to consider include:

  • Providing a service: From washing cars to walking dogs, there are countless services one can offer to make money. By choosing a service that one is already familiar with, one can get entrepreneurial experience and learn about operating a business without becoming too overwhelmed.


  • Selling online: In today’s world, eCommerce is an amazing field that is ripe with opportunities for budding entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can create a product and sell it online or find a supplier and simply sell the products they procure. Given the fact that many websites have now made selling online extremely accessible, this is a great way for veterans to dip their toes in entrepreneurship.


  • Consulting: Veterans can put their military training and experience to use as entrepreneurs by offering consulting services. Many professional consultants with military backgrounds provide security-related consultation services because of their deep knowledge of the subject. By capitalizing on their expertise, veterans can blossom as entrepreneurs.


There Are Many Amazing Careers for Veterans

Veterans have a wide range of skills that can make them valuable professionals. By deciding what type of career is exciting and fulfilling, any veteran is capable of putting their skills and training to good use. While these examples can all make for amazing careers, veterans are free to explore the job market and pursue and job that they find rewarding.

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