a presidential election — Improve Your HR

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

Yep, it’s a presidential election. While we generally don’t think of elections as job interviews, that is precisely what they are. Long, drawn out interviews with limited candidate selection. And while you might want to repost the job and get new applicants, you don’t get to do that.

As an HR professional who has two degrees in political science, I can’t help but combine both sides of my life into each election. It’s politics; it’s recruiting. It’s both.

So when thinking about who you will vote for, consider it like you would if you were interviewing a potential CEO. Your responsibility, as an HR leader, is to help find someone who will benefit the company as a whole–not the person you like as a person the most. Consider the following questions.

Before you hire for any executive position, you’re going to do a job analysis. What skills are necessary to fill this job? For instance, think about the core responsibilities of a United States President.

  • Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. This candidate will need to understand the current military status of the country and work with senior military leaders. This person must be able to gain the respect of senior leaders and the troops in general in order to be successful. An understanding of military history and ability to see long term consequences is a must.

To keep reading, click here: The world’s longest job interview: a presidential election


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