A $10,000 Pay Disparity Could Cost Apple Millions — Evil HR Lady

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

Now, for some Silicon Valley jobs, a $10,000 pay disparity would not be an unlawful difference. If one of your employees earns $250,000 and their coworker earns $260,000 for the same job, that 4 percent difference can be easily explained by performance or experience. But, Glassdoor says the average salary for a training instructor at Apple is between $90,000 and $166,000. That $10,000 difference could be highly significant.

Or, again, it could be easily explained. If Jong’s male coworker consistently performed at a higher level or had several years more experience, it could be a justifiable difference.

To keep reading, click here: A $10,000 Pay Disparity Could Cost Apple Millions

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