By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
There is a point in most people’s careers where complaining becomes the order of the day.
“I’m not being treated fairly!”
“I’ve gotten passed over!”
“The raise I’ve gotten sucks!”
Maybe you’re a job hunter that is hitting their head against a wall.
“I’m not getting interviews!”
“Recruiters aren’t getting back to me!”
“I got turned down (again) after that interview!”
You agency recruiters, don’t start feeling so superior. After all, many of you have similar laments.
“I don’t have good tools to find candidates!”
“My candidate is perfect but (s)he won’t send them to her/his client!”
“My clients all suck!”
Lest you hiring managers and corporate recruiters get a swelled head . . .
“I’m overworked and don’t have the resources to do what I’m asked to do!”
“I can’t find any good people!
“Agencies all suck!”
If you’ve never seen the YouTube video that Bob Newhart did some years ago called, “Stop It!“, it offers the ideal solution. Stop it.
If you work for a firm that treats you inappropriately, you change jobs; if you are an agency recruiter, buy your own tools, don’t work on his or her jobs and get new clients.
If you’re a job hunter, your resume probably needs work, the resume you sent to the recruiter was little more than spam, or you don’t interview as well as you think you do.
If you work in corporate and are overworked, get more resources to help you. If you can’t find any good people, maybe your criteria are faulty and need revision. Maybe the people who are involved with interviewing aren’t being realistic or screening for less important criteria, making the process harder than it need be.
And all agencies don’t suck. Usually, they were referred by someone who knew the recruiter and had success. Maybe you aren’t adequately communicating what you require of your new hires or forgetting to teach them how to assess for what you want. After all, you’re too busy and all agencies suck.
But, no matter what, stop your whining, blaming and complaining. Take action!
© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC 2014, 2029, 2025
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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. Those things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues.
He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes.
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