Others Who Sin Do Better Than Me

“Why do those who give their all seem to fall behind those who give little or none? How long does it last?”

Idk the exact details of what you’re struggling with, but I think that you have to stop looking around at what others are doing. You can’t compare what you’re doing to what they’re doing. You kinda have to put blinders on and just put your head down and really focus on the path YOU’RE taking and not even look out of the side of your eyes at what anyone else is doing.

Because if you do, it’ll lead to frustration and a sense of feeling like things aren’t fair. 

God never promises us life will be fair. There’s sin. The rain falls on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45). 

What He DOES promise is to make everything right in the end. When you get to Heaven, you would get more heaven rewards than say someone who’s lazy. Sometimes things DO work out on earth (His justice and fairness), but it’s not promised and we can’t expect it because it’s all in His hands.

The other thing I would say is to really consider WHAT you’re working on. So often we work on things that we THINK are important, but they’re not. We work on the wrong things. So be sure you’re prioritizing according to God’s will, and don’t look around, be content with whatever portion God gives you and work hard for the things that you want, and continue to do so until you reach your goals. ❤️

Here’s a couple verses to deep dive study out that will help you: 

  • 1 Timothy 6:6-8
  • Ecclesiastes 6:9
  • Galatians 6:4-5
  • Romans 8:18

It will be difficult at first, but not looking around will make you the happiest. If it’s someone like your husband, you can’t exactly not look around, he lives with you. But let’s say he’s not saved and you are and you’re frustrated because you’re working so hard and he’s lazy and yet, he seems to excel too, so you get upset about that. 

There’s a verse (1 Corinthians 7:14) that basically says that he will be blessed because he lives with you and you’re Christian. The jist of it is this…God doesn’t want to hurt YOU, so he won’t hurt your husband. Your being God’s child protects your whole house. Otherwise, let’s say he loses all his income and gets what he deserves for being so lazy, that would hurt YOU. Then YOU’D have to work harder, possibly lose your home, etc. So because God loves YOU, all those around you (in near proximity) are blessed because of YOU!

He is holy before God because of that, not that your husband in this example, IS holy, but that when God looks upon him, he turns away his wrath because you are covering him (1 Peter 4:8). 

It’s a really great treasure to study out in depth sometime just for fun. How we, just by being a Christian, can help those around us. How we are a blessing to them and most of the time they don’t ever know it, but we do. 😊 And this applies to anyone in your household – your husband, your kids, etc.

I know several families who the husband is saved and the wife is not and the wife thinks she is, but she’s not. But they are BOTH blessed (financially, etc.) because he’s godly and doing what he’s supposed to and that blessing falls on her as well.

You see it also in the story of Noah. God saved Noah, right, with the ark. Were all his children believers??? We don’t know, but, common sense says at least one wouldn’t be, especially since God said, none are righteous, no not one (Romans 3:11). And yet, all his children got to go on the ark with him also because God was protecting Noah.

It’s really a beautiful picture of God’s love, concern, and care for us as His children. You should really study it out; it’s fantastic! 💎

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