March 3, 2025
Hey friends,
Working remotely is a journey: some days, you’re in full productivity mode, and other days, you wonder if sending an email counts as a major accomplishment. 😅
So settle into your office (aka the couch), grab your favorite beverage, and let’s jump in!
Our Favorite Articles 💯
WFH Has Made Everyone NSFW (Business Insider)
It turns out that remote workers have developed some very specific habits—some productive, some questionable, and some that probably should stay off Zoom. What are yours? ​Read on​ (use Brave to get full access 😉).
How to Get Hired When AI Does the Screening (HBR)
Learn practical strategies to stand out in job applications when initial screenings are conducted by artificial intelligence. ​More details​.
Life Lessons from the First Half-Century of My Career (CACM)
A seasoned professional shares invaluable insights from a 50-year career in the tech industry. ​Learn more​.
Too many emails?
Declutter your inbox with Meco, your home for reading newsletters.
Remotive Jobs 💼
Is this job for you?
👉 ​Software Engineer at Discourse​ (Worldwide)
👉 ​Senior Android Developer at Mimo GmbH​ (EMEA, UK)
👉 ​Senior Backend Developer at Mimo GmbH​ (EMEA, UK)
👉 ​Senior DevOps Engineer (AWS) at Proxify​ (CET +/- 3 HOURS)
👉 ​Backend/Full-stack Python Developer (Odoo) at YouNav​ (Europe)
👉 ​iOS Developer at nooro​ (USA Only)
We curate 2,000 remote jobs so you don’t have to!
​Find your remote job →​
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Looking For A Remote Startup Job (And What To Do Instead)
Looking for a remote job? Here are our tips to help you work remotely