Devotional: Be Yourself and Let Your Light Shine in a Dark World

Devotional: Be Yourself and Let Your Light Shine in a Dark World

It was a muggy day…a depressing day for all. The kind of day where you just want to lay around in your pajama’s all day and do nothing. Instead of laying around, I decided to do some grocery shopping while the stores were not crowded.

As I entered through the checkout line to pay, I noticed a young woman there who seemed depressed and sad. Perhaps it was the day, perhaps it was more. She didn’t seem talkative. I made light conversation and didn’t get any response.

She just seemed sad, despondent. 

But I kept trying.

Finally she started chatting and we had a lovely conversation about nothing. But, when I left her line, there was a smile on her face. A beautiful smile. A real, genuine, happy smile.

She will never know that I’m Christian.

She’ll never know who I am or what Jesus has done in my life, but it doesn’t matter.

Being a faithful servant isn’t about forcing a conversation about God, trying to get every person you meet saved, or pushing some agenda.

It’s about truly and genuinely investing in other people’s lives, even if it’s only for a brief moment.

My goal in life is to always leave people better off for having met me, whether I know them for 5 seconds or 5 years.

Our attitudes, the way that we present ourselves to the world matters.

We affect other people and yet how often do we shirk that responsibility?

How often are we so self-absorbed that we don’t take time to notice those around us? To be observant of what THEY’RE dealing with?

You don’t have to be Mother Teresa to change the world….you can do it every time you go to the store….

One smile at a time.

My question to you is, are you shirking that responsibility?

Life gets busy, I get it. I’m a mom of two who runs several different empires, a home, and provides all the finances on my own.

Life gets REAL busy sometimes, but we should never be TOO busy to show God’s love to others, even if they will never know the reason we share that love.

Slow down. 

Watch where you’re investing in. Make sure you’re investing in the right places for God.

That your life is poured out as a drink offering for Him and that you’ve gotten super good at time management so that you CAN spend every second here on this earth doing what matters for the kingdom of God.

God’s love is not to be locked up inside of us, never to be shown except for rare occasions or in certain situations.

👉 It’s FOR ALL to see at all times!

Are you living your life that way? Do you make every second count for eternity? Or are you wrapped up in your own little world, doing your own things, taking care of a bunch of meaningless things that don’t matter in eternity (Luke 10:38-42)?

Truly we can be busy for many things. Even GOOD things, Christian things. But are you lining your heart and life up to God every single day, asking HIM what you should focus on that day and then taking steps to do it?

We all fall off track from time to time, but it’s about getting back on track as quickly and easily as we can so that we have TIME to serve Christ to the world doing what He’s called us to do. Are you doing that? Are you putting Him first in your life and in your area of reach to the world?

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