Does a Full-time Job or Freelancing Offer More Security – MiddleMe

In recent years, the debate regarding the stability of freelancing has grown compared to that of a full-time job. Some argue that freelancing offers more job opportunities and, therefore, is better than a full-time job. Others say it is not true because freelancing contracts are not permanent, unlike a full-time those in a full-time job, which makes it ideal.

But which indeed is the most stable job: full-time or freelancing?


As a freelancer, you have the power to shape your career around your current goals. You can seamlessly transition between freelance and full-time work, using freelancing as a tool to efficiently achieve your career aspirations. This sense of empowerment is a unique advantage of freelancing.

Freelancing offers a level of freedom and flexibility that full-time work may not. You have the autonomy to determine your workload, set your personal goals, and manage your time as you see fit. This independence is a key aspect of freelancing that many find appealing.


However, many argue that full-time work is more stable, and some freelancers go to full-time work because of its instability. They also cite other reasons, and they are the following:

  • Access to Health Insurance

    In full-time work, employees are registered for health insurance as part of their benefits. Freelancers, on the other hand, have to register for a health insurance plan.

  • Regular Paycheck

    In freelancing, the paycheck is not truly regular unless you try to pay yourself regularly.
    The paycheck is scheduled in full-time work, allowing users to budget better.

  • Paid Vacation

    Freelancers have complete control over their schedule, allowing some to have paid time off. However, this is not always a guarantee.
    While full-time jobs will require someone to approve your vacation, it is a guarantee you will get paid during your off.

  • Connection with Workers

    Freelancing can be a lonely job, and if you are an extrovert, working on your own for a long time can get a little crazy.
    However, if you work full-time, you can be surrounded by many people you can talk to.

At the end of the day, the question as to which career path is more secure can only be answered by you. Every person has a unique background that will influence the effectiveness of one career path to their goals, which is why using another person’s example may not be safe while working on your career path. Your career goals will tell you whether freelancing or full-time work will cater to your current situation and if it is something that you are ready to handle.

If you feel like freelancing is for you, moving to a full-time job is easy. If you pursue a full-time job, you can have freelancing on the side. Take the time to review your goals and situation before taking the step you believe is right.

To taste success in freelancing like I did, check out what I have to offer in my guide to your freelancing journey!

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