3 Ways to Write a Personal Mission Statement that Guides Your Career – MiddleMe

3 Ways to Write a Personal Mission Statement that Guides Your Career – MiddleMe

In our fast-paced world, it can be hard for most of us to keep track of our goals, values, and dreams. Many distractions stop us from moving how we want, especially regarding how we want our careers to grow.

Fortunately, there are ways to get back on track when we get distracted, and one of them is by having a personal mission statement. A personal mission statement is a written document that highlights your goals, values, and beliefs, which will help you make the right decisions for your work or your personal life. With one, you can find relief in knowing that you are on the right path, keeping track of your current progress, and even determining what your future goals should be.

Creating a personal mission statement may sound easy at first, but making one is quite tricky. There are a lot of nuances for personal mission statements depending on where you plan to use them and what needs to be in them. If you plan to use it for your career, for example, your personal mission statement will serve as your guide and empower you to present what makes you unique to future employers. It will also let people know if you resonate with their mission and vision, which is crucial if you wish to join their team.

To help you get started, here are three ways how you can write one for your career and polish it to your standards:

Know Your Purpose

Before writing anything, it is essential to have a clear purpose. Your purpose serves as the main subject of your mission statement, providing you with a clear focus and direction.

You can identify your purpose by asking yourself key questions. What is your reason for pursuing the career you are currently in? Does it work well with your personal life? Are you struggling with your current career and want to consider a new job?

Do your best to align your personal and professional purposes when considering your purpose for your mission statement. This will allow you to create the proper narrative you can relate to whenever you read it.

Know Your Main Values

Aside from knowing your purpose, you need to be clear about your values. Most of us already have an idea of what values we want, but we tend to forget them each time we stumble or are unhappy.

When determining your main values, list values that you would like to use or develop as you develop your career. For example, if you want to foster your impact, self-confidence, and diversity, you can indicate these as your core values in your mission statement.

Identify Where You Want To Go Next

You need to know where you want your career to proceed. Careers often branch out in various fields, which can cause you to lose focus on your goals and even lose your passion for the career you originally chose for yourself.

If you need help figuring out where to start, start by listing down both your long-term and short-term goals. See how you can make them manageable to reach and acknowledge the potential challenges you may face. You can also write about what inspired you to pursue your career and the goals you listed. You can then link your goals to your purpose and values to tie everything together.

Writing a personal mission statement may be challenging if you don’t need to use it often. However, it is a good thing to have whether you plan to use it for your career moves or to guide you in life. When you finish your personal mission statement, it will feel like an achievement. And, when you feel lost and uncertain about whether you are making a huge decision, it can guide you through even the toughest times.

It’s important to revisit and revise your personal mission statement regularly, especially when you experience significant changes in your career or personal life, to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with your current goals and values.

So, if you still need to get one, take the step and develop one for yourself. Use the tips above to get you started and guide your writing process. It will be a learning process as you try to write and polish your first drafts to suit your purpose. Don’t be afraid to constantly edit your work and make it as straightforward as possible. Remember, you aren’t the only person who will read your mission statement if you are required to pass one by your prospective employer.

Need help in your career? Here’s some articles for you:
How You Can Professionally Rebrand Yourself
Let’s Motivate You to Work!
Top Secret Self Improvement Hacks

Can’t get enough of MiddleMe? You can find me sharing my thoughts here as well: 
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