Tips For Hiring Top IOS, Android, And Web Developers

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Are you struggling to find developers with specific platform expertise for your projects? You’re not alone! In today’s highly competitive job market, hiring the right talent—especially in iOS, Android, or web development—can be a real challenge.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the difficulties of hiring developers with platform-specific skills and offer strategies to help you build a successful team. Whether you’re a startup launching your first app or an established company looking to upgrade an existing product, this guide will serve as your playbook for hiring iOS, Android, and web developers.

Challenges & Solutions for Hiring iOS Developers

Hiring iOS developers presents its own set of challenges. Here are some of the common obstacles businesses face and solutions to overcome them:

Challenge #1: Finding Developers Experienced in Swift

Swift is the main programming language for iOS app development, but finding developers skilled in Swift can be tough.

Look for developers proficient in other programming languages like Java or C++, and offer them training in Swift. This broadens your pool of candidates and ensures they have the foundational skills needed to develop iOS apps.

Challenge #2: Ensuring Compatibility Across iOS Devices

iOS applications need to be compatible with various devices and screen sizes.

Use Auto Layout and Adaptive UI design to ensure your app works seamlessly across different devices. Auto Layout helps in designing interfaces that adapt to different screen sizes, while Adaptive UI design allows developers to create unique layouts for various device types.

Challenge #3: Meeting Apple’s App Store Guidelines

Applications must adhere to strict guidelines for approval on the App Store, which can be challenging for developers unfamiliar with these rules.

Hire experienced iOS developers who are familiar with Apple’s guidelines. They can guide the design and development process to increase the chances of your app being accepted on the App Store.

Challenge #4: Ensuring App Security

Securing iOS applications to protect user data is crucial.

Utilize iOS-specific security features like data encryption, Touch ID, Face ID, and App Transport Security (ATS) to enhance your app’s security.

Challenges & Solutions for Hiring Android Developers

Hiring Android developers comes with its unique set of challenges due to the vast number of devices running the Android operating system. Here are some common issues and solutions:

Challenge #1: High Competition for Experienced Android Developers

The high demand for skilled Android developers makes it difficult for companies to attract and retain top talent.

Offer competitive salaries and benefits, including flexible work hours, remote work options, and opportunities for professional development.

Challenge #2: Finding Developers with the Right Skillset

Android development requires knowledge of Android Studio, Java or Kotlin, and the Android SDK.

Provide training and development opportunities to bridge the skill gap. Offer workshops, training programs, and mentorship opportunities to help developers stay updated with the latest Android technologies.

Challenge #3: Ensuring Compatibility Across Android Versions and Devices

Ensuring compatibility across multiple versions of Android devices can be complex.

Use testing tools and frameworks like Espresso, Appium, and Robolectric to automate testing and ensure compatibility across different devices and Android versions.

Challenge #4: Staying Up to Date with Latest Android Technologies

Android is a rapidly evolving platform, so developers need to stay current with new technologies and trends.

Encourage developers to attend conferences and events like Google I/O to stay updated with the latest Android technologies and network with other developers.

Challenges & Solutions for Hiring Web Developers

Hiring web developers is crucial for establishing a strong online presence, but it comes with its own set of challenges:

Challenge #1: Finding Web Developers with Specific Skill Sets

Web development requires expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frameworks.

Use specialized recruitment platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow to find developers with specific skill sets.

Challenge #2: Ensuring Cross-Browser Compatibility

Web developers must ensure that applications work seamlessly across different browsers.

Use cross-browser testing tools like BrowserStack and Sauce Labs to test applications across different browsers and operating systems.

Challenge #3: Keeping Up with the Latest Web Technologies

Web technologies are constantly evolving.

Encourage continuous learning through internal training programs, online courses, and participation in web development communities.

Challenge #4: Building Scalable and Efficient Web Applications

Web developers need to create scalable and efficient applications to handle high traffic.

Use modern web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js to build scalable and efficient web applications.

Strategies for Hiring Developers for Specific Platforms

Hiring developers for specific platforms like web, Android, and iOS requires a tailored approach. Here are some strategies:

  • Define Your Requirements: Clearly outline the languages, frameworks, and libraries needed for your project.
  • Look for Specialized Talent: Seek developers with a strong portfolio and experience in your specific platform.
  • Leverage Your Network: Use referrals and network connections to find candidates with proven experience.
  • Use Job Boards and Social Media: Post job listings on sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to reach a larger audience.
  • Conduct Technical Interviews: Use coding challenges or live coding sessions to assess candidates’ skills.
  • Provide Training: Offer training to new hires to help them develop the necessary skills.
  • Offer Competitive Compensation: Provide attractive salary and benefits packages to lure top talent.

3 Ways to Hire an App Developer

Businesses can take one of the three routes to hire an app developer:

  • Hire in-house developers
  • Hire freelancers
  • Opt for outsourcing

Before choosing, thoroughly analyze your unique demands and budget because each choice has benefits and drawbacks.

  • Hire In-House Developers: Build a dedicated team for greater control over the project but be prepared for higher costs.
  • Hire Freelancers: Ideal for short-term projects requiring specialized skills but may require more project management.
  • Outsource: Partner with third-party companies for a more cost-effective solution without worrying about infrastructure.

Choosing ValueCoders for Hiring:
ValueCoders offers both in-house developers and outsourcing services with over 18 years of experience delivering high-quality, cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs.


Hiring developers for specific platforms can be complex. It’s essential to understand the unique challenges associated with each platform and develop a strategy to overcome them. Whether you choose in-house developers, freelancers, or outsourcing, selecting the right team with the required skills is crucial for project success. Contact ValueCoders to ensure you get the best solution tailored to your needs!

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