The Job Market is Scary. Should I Stay in School? – MiddleMe

Are you a recent graduate and looking for a job? Looking at the job market can be disheartening because finding the correct positions to apply for can be hard. In some cases, the number of openings is so low that you may think it is impossible to get a position.

Given these difficulties, some new graduates often consider returning to school and improving their profile with a Master’s or a Doctorate. However, you shouldn’t immediately become disheartened if you can’t find a job on your first try because there are ways to get past the challenges brought by the job market.

Down below are some tips that can help you out:

Be Ready For The Job Search

One reason new graduates find the job market daunting is the lack of readiness for the arduous task of job searching. They often focus on the worst-case scenarios and struggle to find ways to overcome these challenges. It’s crucial to remember that job hunting is a journey with its ups and downs, and you need to be resilient and prepared to navigate it effectively.

Have A Broad Selection Of Options.

There’s no guarantee that you’ll find the perfect job opening in the job market. It’s essential to be open-minded and adaptable, considering a broad range of job offerings and being willing to work in roles you may not have previously considered.

Develop The Right Skills.

Employers want employees with the proper skill set, especially now that employees need flexibility to accommodate business changes. Use online learning sites like Coursera or Udemy to find suitable courses.

Be Ready To Answer General Questions.

You should also be ready for the interview questions, especially as these companies are trying to determine whether they can trust you. It would be best if you showed you are ready to work with the team.

Use Your Network

You will be surprised with how many opportunities can open for you if you ask your network for help. Ask your family, friends, classmates or even your school’s career services office if they can help you with your job search. They may refer you to their contacts and even serve as one of your connections, through which employers can ask about your background.

Always Be Ready To Redo Your Search

If you find yourself stuck with your search or match your skill set, you may need to adjust your search. Use different keywords for your search or look for other avenues to find job opportunities. Keep at it until you find the perfect job opening, and secure it!


Remember to celebrate all the small victories you achieve during your job search. This will not only boost your morale but also keep you motivated and reduce stress when you encounter obstacles.

Whether you return to school or not, the job market will continue to be competitive as more people join. While having additional credentials can help you with your job application, making the proper preparations can do much more for your application. So, be confident with your application and do the extra work to make the necessary adjustments to be the best candidate in the market. Good luck!

Here are some more articles to read and get prep for your new job!
5 Tips for Graduates Entering the Workforce During Pandemic
How To Choose Your 1st Job When You Graduate
A Letter To A Graduate

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