Neuroscience Explains Women’s Reaction to Sexual Harassment — Evil HR Lady

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

Sexual harassment happens at work. Some of it is overt and obvious (“If you don’t sleep with me, you won’t get a raise.”), and some is subtle and harder to identify (depending on the tone and relationship between the two people in question, “You look nice today” could be a compliment or harassment.)

As a woman, I’m prone to imagine how I’d react to an inappropriate comment from a boss, client, or coworker. And I hope I’d shut it down instantly and leave the perpetrator shaking in his (most likely) boots.

Real responses to sexual harassment

But what actually happens is different than how women generally imagine it will, research shows. A woman named Kaidi Wu recently shared details about such a study on X

To keep reading, click here: Neuroscience Explains Women’s Reaction to Sexual Harassment

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