Tough Interview Questions:What Interests You About This Job?

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

This isn’t a tough interview question, but people don’t answer correctly.  The question is, “What interests you about this job opening?”

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Are you currently in the process of job hunting? Have you ever been asked the question, “What interests you about this job opening?” during an interview? If so, you’re not alone. This is a common question that many candidates face, and unfortunately, it’s one that is often answered incorrectly.

Hi, I’m Jeff Altman, also known as The Big Game Hunter. With over 40 years of experience in hunting down leaders and staff for organizations, I’ve seen it all when it comes to job interviews. Today, I want to share with you some insights on how to answer the question, “What interests you about this job opening?” in the correct way.

The Easy Part

On the surface, answering this question may seem simple. You can easily list four or five different things that you like about the job. However, the hard part is often overlooked – demonstrating enthusiasm and passion. Many candidates forget to showcase their excitement when talking about the job, resulting in a relatively flat response.

Show Your Enthusiasm

Instead of just listing the reasons why you’re interested in the job, it’s important to convey your enthusiasm and passion. Imagine if you were asked the question and you responded with something like, “What interests me about this job opening? There are like three or four different things that are really terrific about it!” As you answer, try to speed up your speech, brighten your eyes, and put a smile on your face. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.

The Theater of Interview Questions

Answering interview questions is like being on a theater stage. You want to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. In the case of answering, “What interests you about this job opening?” the theater is all about excitement. You want to exude joy in your voice, making it clear that you are genuinely excited about the opportunity.

The Tiebreaker

Believe it or not, your level of enthusiasm can often be the tiebreaker between you and your competition. Hiring managers want to see candidates who are genuinely excited about the job. So, by showcasing your passion and excitement, you can set yourself apart from other candidates who may have similar qualifications.


In conclusion, when asked the question, “What interests you about this job opening?”, it’s important to not only list the reasons why you’re interested but also convey your enthusiasm and passion. Remember, answering interview questions is like being on a theater stage – you want to leave a lasting impression. So, let your excitement shine through in your voice and body language. By doing so, you can increase your chances of standing out from the competition and landing that dream job.

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On the surface, you can list 4 or 5 different things that you like about this job.  That’s the easy part of this answer.  The hard part is that people forget to demonstrate enthusiasm and passion when they speak.  So, they speak in a relatively flat way.

Instead, if you answered, “What interests me about this job?  Man!  3 or 4 different things are really exciting about it.”   Then you going to your list.  Having speeded up your speech, having your eyes brightened with excitement, a smile on your face as you talk… It’s not just simply what you say that matters is how you answer this question that is so important.

There is a theater to answering interview questions, well, here the theater is about excitement.  You want to just have joy in your voice as you answer questions.  In this way, people know that you are excited about this job.  Often, that is the tiebreaker between you and your competition.

Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2020

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS job search coaching and career advice globally because he makes job search and succeeding in your career easier. 

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He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes over 13+ years.

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