Following Up After an Interview

Following Up After an Interview

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

At an interview, among your final questions, you should ask, “When might I hear about next steps?”

Typically, there are three types of responses that you’ll receive. The first is pretty unsatisfying. “We have several more people to speak with and we’ll be in contact if we are interested.”

The second is non-committal. “I expect you’ll hear from us early part of next week,” to which you reply, “So if I haven’t heard from you by Wednesday or Thursday is it OK for me to follow up?” You’ll hear of of two replies–“Sure,” or “Wait.” Wait is not good.

The third is the good one, “I expect you’ll hear from HR early part of next week. We’ll want you to come back to meet with three people.” They tell you the people are and what there role is. The more specificity, the better.

If you haven’t asked this question, follow up a few days later. If you interviewed on Monday, follow up on Thursday. If you interviewed on Tuesday or Wednesday, follow up on Friday. If it is Thursday or Friday, follow up late morning or early afternoon on Monday. The more time that goes by, the more that time will cause them to forget the good feelings they felt about you and your qualifications.

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Your first choice of communication about this should be text. The second is email. The third is by phone. It is unlikely that you will get through by phone.

If you have not received a response within two days, follow up again. If by text, “It’s Jeff Altman again. I’m sure you’re busy. When do you want to schedule me back in?”

If you communicated by email, email them again and use the subject line, “Are you OK?” The note should read, ” I followed up as we agreed to on (state the date). I haven’t heard back from you. Maybe you were busy or my email went into spam. I wanted to make sure you were OK.” This makes them feel guilty and reply to your message. If you called, call again and leave a similar message to the one I suggested for email. Sound concerned.

Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2024 

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He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes over 13+ years.

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