6 Things Recruiters Know That You Don’t!

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Are you tired of sending out countless resumes and hearing nothing back? It’s time to unlock the secrets of successful job hunting! In this video, I explore six things that recruiters capabilities recruiters have but rarely share.

I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. People hire me for no BS job search coaching and career advice globally, because I make the process of finding work and succeeding at it much easier.

Welcome back. Today I’m gonna be looking at the mysterious world of third- party recruiters, and how they might be able to supercharge your job search. So, you know, recruiters can set up interviews for you, but there’s much more that they can deliver.

And first of all, recruiters have insider knowledge, often have insider knowledge about companies and industries. They often have the scoop on company culture, hiring trends, and what employers are really looking for in someone. This intel can give you a competitive advantage.

Secondly, they’re also gatekeepers for the hidden job market. Many companies prefer working with recruiters to fill positions discreetly, or to access a specialized pool of talent. So if you’re only relying on job boards, or indeed, or other publicly available sites, you could be missing out.

Third, ever wonder why some resumes get noticed while others end up in the black hole. Recruiters will optimize your resume to catch the attention of hiring managers and get you through the applicant tracking system if that’s the way they’re required to submit a resume. You know keywords, formatting tricks, let me restate that. They know keywords, formatting tricks, and industry standards that can make your resume stand out in a good way.

They can also help with negotiating salary because they know from experience that you’re going to be a little uncomfortable or scared about negotiating salaries but recruiters can cover your butt. They know the market rates for different roles. They know what the firm pays for different roles. It can help you navigate negotiations to ensure you get the best offer possible, or even get an offer for that matter. So it’s good having a seasoned negotiator in your corner.

In addition, beyond just landing a job, recruiters can offer advice and coaching services to some degree, not a lot, but they’ll guide you in ways  that will serve their interests AND yours. That can involve interview preparation for their client, professional development advice. They want to help you succeed long term and they obviously want to earn a fee short term. So take advantage of their expertise to level up your career and listen to anything that suggests to you it’s BS, and ask follow up questions. If you’re not sure, don’t follow the advice.

Lastly, recruiters know how to network and have great connections within industries that they cover and can introduce you to people that can lead to other opportunities and have visibility for you.

So I’ll just simply say building a relationship with a recruiter can open doors to future opportunities you never knew existed. So if you’re serious about boosting your job search, don’t underestimate the power of working with a recruiter. They’re not just simply matchmakers between job hunters and companies. They can be a weapon for you in job hunting and for advancing your career.

So I hope you found this helpful. I’m Jeff Altman. My website is JobSearch.community. At the site I have free information available to help you with your job search. And if you become an Insider, you get access to all my video courses, books and guides. Plus, you can message me with questions. Become an insider Plus member and you get all of that plus you can get me on two zoom calls a month. Become an Insider Premium member and you get all of that plus we do individual or group coaching. Have a terrific day and most importantly, be great!

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. Those things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes. 

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You will find great info to help with your job search at my new site, ⁠⁠JobSearch.Community⁠⁠ Besides the video courses, books and guides, I answer questions from members daily about their job search. Leave job search questions and I will respond daily. Become an Insider+ member and you get everything you’d get as an Insider PLUS you can get me on Zoom calls to get questions answered. Become an Insider Premium member and we do individual and group coaching.

Also, subscribe to ⁠JobSearchTV.com⁠ on YouTube and No BS Job Search Advice Radio, the #1 podcast for job search with more than 2900 episodes over 12+ years.in Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music and almost anywhere you listen or watch podcasts.

You can also have your #jobsearchquestions answered Tuesdays at noon Eastern. Search for Career Coach Office Hours on LinkedIn and mark that you’re attending. You’ll have access to the recording if you miss it live. 

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