4 Hacks For Career-Minded College Grads

4 Hacks For Career-Minded College Grads

Is there a faster way to land a job after college than the traditional resume sending strategy? Fortunately, in the 2020s, there are plenty of shortcuts for savvy job seekers who want to start their careers. Step one is learning how to be effective in interviews. Other worthwhile techniques include seeking work in the transportation sector, where there is currently a shortage of qualified candidates. Plus, by targeting smaller business entities and cleaning up your social media accounts, it’s possible to find a good paying position without waiting for months to get results from a coordinated search. Here are the relevant actions you can take right now.

Learn How to Interview

The biggest stumbling block for recent college graduates who seek career paths is the inability to interview well. Whether you are doing a video interview or in-person is not a major factor, though the online variation is usually more challenging for applicants. The most effective tactic is to take a class that teaches basic interview techniques, like how to sit, dress, answer questions, and ask for essential information about the job. What many students don’t understand is that resumes only do so much. Their job is to get a face-to-face meeting with someone who can make a hiring decision. However, the personal interview is what makes or breaks an applicant’s chances of getting an offer for employment. It’s essential to learn the fundamentals of how to conduct yourself when you interact with a hiring agent.


Explore the Transportation Niche

One area where there is a dire shortage of workers is transportation. For graduates who aspire to be professional fleet managers, the position is both lucrative and comes with a wide range of benefits. What do fleet supervisors do? Not only do they create routes for large numbers of company vehicles, but they also oversee dozens of other jobs related to shipping and delivering cargo on time under every imaginable set of conditions. Much of the job depends on the definition of a commercial vehicle for business purposes. That’s because, contrary to popular belief, there’s a narrow definition of that term based on the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) regulations. For that reason and others, most professional fleet drivers must obtain a CDL (commercial driver’s license). It’s essential to understand the FMCSA’s rules and guidelines about which vehicles meet the definition of commercial.

Focus on Small Companies

In an economic environment where grads are seeking lifetime employment, competition for entry-level positions at major corporations are fierce. Broaden your horizons and increase your chances for success by honing in on several high-quality small organizations. Don’t forget to include non- profits, a category that so many college students never even consider. The beauty of targeting smaller businesses is that you won’t have to wade through lengthy screening processes and pages of red tape. Leaner, meaner firms are quick to either hire an applicant or cut them loose after a single interview. The wise way to begin is to do some research to identify about a half-dozen small companies that appeal to you. Then, send targeted resumes and cover letters to each one and follow up with phone calls if you don’t hear back within a week.

Check Your Social Footprint

If you think prospective employers don’t check your social media sites before you sit down for an interview, you’re mistaken. Like it or not, the deciding factor between you and another candidate can be a lurid photo, unseemly story, or questionable likes on your favorite social media platforms. What’s the lesson? Take time to clean up your digital footprint before seeking employment. If you encounter difficulty removing one or another post or photo, hire a reputation management expert to assist you in the endeavor.


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