10 Most Important Pages for a Startup Website – MiddleMe

Are you a new business? One of the most important things you need to work on is your website because many people are now using the internet to find information about companies and what they offer. Your website must have all the information they need, and they are easy to find.

But what are the pages your startup website should have? Below are 10 of the most important pages you should remember when building your startup website!


Every website must have a homepage that not only welcomes customers and gives them general information about your business and what you have to offer but also sets the tone for the rest of the website. The homepage must be designed perfectly to capture their curiosity and be easy to read. Ensure that your homepage provides information and links users to the appropriate pages if they wish to learn more about your offerings.

About Page

It is common for customers to proceed with their orders when they have a clear idea about the brand. This is why they most often visit the About page when they check a business website. Take the time to edit this page and let people know your team’s story and mission. You can also add a small profile of your team so your customers know who is working behind your company, which can help build trust.

Products/Service Pages

Your website is also the perfect place to showcase your products or services. Provide a summary of what is on offer, then short descriptions or links so people can learn more about your offerings. You can also create individual landing pages for your products so you can describe them in more detail.

FAQ Pages

Sometimes, customers may have questions about your business or offerings, which they may encounter as they look around your website. Having an FAQ page will help answer these questions and other common questions they may have about your business and offerings. When writing these pages, your answers must be easy to understand and honest since this will show your commitment to supporting your customers. You can also link them to other site pages to encourage your customers to check the rest of your site.

Customer Reviews/Testimonials

It will be reassuring for new customers to see real-life reviews from your previous clients on your website. This will help convert them to paying customers and increase your sales. When setting up this page, it is best that the positive comments are on top and show the author’s name and photo so others can link your reviews to real people. You can also use third-party review platforms like Google Reviews or Trustpilot to link reviews directly to your site.


You should also offer a portfolio page on your startup website, as it is a great place to showcase your skills and work. Specific web hosts offer portfolio add-ons or themes that will make it easier for users to display previous works—whether text or visual. It would help if you also made it a point to update your portfolio regularly to show your growth and dedication to your brand.

Contact page

Your Contact page is a direct line of communication with your potential customers. Ensure it’s easy to find and use, with all your contact details listed. Including a captcha protection can also help ensure that you’re only receiving genuine inquiries.


Your website can also benefit from having a blog page. This is where you can provide visitors with new updates about your business and even share your expertise by writing information about topics related to your field. When writing your blog, use the right keywords and have ways for your visitors to comment or share the posts. It is also best to use optimized photos so the content loads quickly. It would help if you also had a variety of content so it would cater to all types of audiences.

Privacy Policy Page

A privacy policy page is also recommended, showing your commitment to data protection and transparency. Describe how each piece of data you receive from your customers is handled, why you are collecting it, and what security measures are in place to protect it. You can also use this page to list a legal disclaimer indicating that the privacy policy can change anytime.

Terms and Conditions

You should have a terms and conditions page on the site, which will indicate the rules and regulations by which your site and offerings will abide. These include user eligibility, intellectual property rights, account registration, and dispute resolution. Ask a lawyer to review this page to ensure that it abides by the law and will protect your interests.

As a startup, your website can change how people view your brand. If it is well-designed and has the right pages, customers will know you understand their needs and what you are doing. If you have any website content needs, be sure to engage me!

Can’t get enough of MiddleMe? You can find me sharing my thoughts here as well: 
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