1 in 4 Think It’s a Waste of Money to Hire Those Over 50 — Improve Your HR

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A study by the UK advocacy group Age Without Limits found that it’s not just a few people who think older people aren’t worth hiring. Fully 24 percent believe this. And 22 percent of respondents think it’s a waste of time to train someone older than 50, and 32 percent believe people become less competent with technology as they age.

The study also found that people who had higher educational qualifications were more likely to think that people over 50 weren’t worth training. In other words, people who are more likely to be in management positions are more likely to think that it’s a waste of time and money to higher older workers.

To keep reading, click here: Study: 1 in 4 Think It’s a Waste of Money to Hire Those Over 50

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